Easy Astro ~ 8*2*16

easy astro


roarNew Moon in Leo! Passions are high and lots of fiery feelings today with not only the Moon in Leo but the Sun and Venus!

Mars is finally out of Scorpio and moved into Sag! This is all about truth, justice and equality. You know how you feel about certain subjects, now stand in your truth! Just remember your truth might not be the same as someone else’s, so no pushing or shoving please with all this Fire energy going on!

Saturn is also in Sag and says, “We are here for a reason, you have a purpose and when you truly follow YOUR OWN path and believe all is possible, not just for yourself but for everyone, magick happens.”

innerchildToday represents fun, simplicity, nature and children. Get out there and spend some time with Mother Earth and your Inner Child. It’s also a great day to start something new as you will have a huge burst of Fire energy!

How are you going to celebrate the New Moon? Adventures, laughter, and trying something new are great ways to honor this phase of the Moon. We have a total of 6 planets, including the Sun and Moon in Fire Signs today!! Time to enjoy the Heat!!


Stones of the Day:

Citrine for happiness and energy if you’re loving the fire energy


Hematite if you need to calm down and can’t take the heat!

Herbs of the Day:


Lavender for calming or Lemon Grass for some spice in your life!
Eat Thai food! It’s filled with Lemon Grass.

Colors of the Day:
Reds and Yellows to celebrate the fire, or Blue if you need cooling off!




Always with Love, Kelly

~Kelly’s Easy Astro~ 7/2/16

easy astro


With the Moon in Gemini today we may feel pushed and pulled in two different directions. Talk things out. Make sure you pick the path YOU want to travel, the path of LOVE.
This weekend being a holiday can get very busy and stressed. We may feel like we can’t keep up or our self confidence may be low. Try to relax and enjoy even though energies of overdoing it are strong. Ask for help if you need it and think of all the things that can go right instead of worrying about what could go wrong!

Today and Sunday the planets want us to be introspective and work on ourselves, so some solitude is much needed but some of us will be forced to be in the center of the crowd (espesh if like me, you live near the ocean and everyone and their mother comes “down the shore” for this crazy weekend of partying). I will remember to be grateful for all I have and thank the Universe for getting me out of my Virgo hermit shell and into the social scene, I can retreat back to it later!

The energies will be, how should I say this, bi polar today. LOL! The morning and afternoon will feel crazed and rushed and the evening should feel much more relaxed. So try to be open to unexpected changes and go with the flow as much as possible – espesh with this Void of Course Moon tonight.

Crystal of the Day:

Amber for connection to Mother Earth,
psychic protection and the healing of physical pain.

Essential Oil of the Day:

Sandalwood to stay grounded.

Color of the Day:

Blue for the ocean, the sky and feelings of calm,
and speaking your own truth with that Gemini Moon.

Quote of the Day:

Mahatma Gandhi - 81 x 100 cmTogether we can face any challenges
as deep as the ocean and as high as the sky.
~ Gandhi

Always with Love, Kelly

~Kelly’s Easy Astro~ 6/29/16

easy astro


moonintaurusThe Moon moves into Taurus today so expect feelings of being more centered! Yay!!! Grounding will come more easily as will sticking to your to-do list or rather your everyday routine. Try to enjoy some delicious food today! My appetite has been really low lately, hopefully this Moon in Taurus will remind me of my favorite foods and enjoy eating them as well as enjoying all of our senses!! This moon is very sensual so sex, chocolate and bubble baths will be highly satisfying! Perhaps try all three at the same time!!


Mars goes direct today! This aspect can have us feeling more confident and certain overall in our lives. Conquering challenges will become easier! We are now pushed forward in life to speak more freely our truth, and communication with others will become more clear as long as you stay calm and avoid arguments. If anything: agree to disagree, listen to what the other has to say, speak your truth and then move on to another topic. Also, we can become easily frustrated if things aren’t moving fast enough for us, like the traffic etc. Breathe, just breathe…..


We have 3 planets in Cancer right now making us feel all the feels!!!! Being protective in a motherly way is very strong right now as well as staying close to home and the people you love, which works great with the Moon in Taurus which is also about staying home and enjoying all that you have!!!

We are so very fortunate for everything in our lives. Remember the simple things like clean water, food, a place to sleep at night are so very important and I am forever grateful to have these gifts in my life.



Crystal of the Day:


Septarian for connecting to the Earth and building our self confidence. Its also known as the Dragon Egg Stone.

Essential Oil of the Day:


Rose to connect to the Taurus Moon and indulge in our senses.

Quote of the Day:

Oscar Wilde, 1882. LEHTIKUVA / EVERETT COLLECTION / Jerry Tavin


Always with Love, Kelly

~Kelly’s Easy Astro~ 6/27/16

easy astro


Plans for new paths, journeys, relationships, ideas, careers etc. will be getting stronger everyday! Embrace the new and please finally release that which is no longer serving your greater good. Easier said than done, I know.

Love and illusion are strong today. Are your fantasies turning into realities? If it makes you happy go with it! Just remember it’s fun for now but it may not always be this way which is ok too. You will know when its time to move on but for now enjoy the ride! Summer lovin!!

There are two different feelings going on today that are very strong. We either want to hide from the world in our safe place or go out into the world full force and have fun!! Perhaps we should try a little bit of both to stay balanced.




Stone of the day:

Chrysocolla to help re-align the physical body, intellect and emotions…hence to balance!




Color of the Day:

Gray for neither black nor white.


Quote of the Day:

bikerideLife is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
~ Albert Einstein

Always with Love, Kelly



Mercury Retrograde ~ 5 Planets Retro

easy astro

April 28th, 2016

Mercury Retrograde/ 5 Planets in Retrograde


5 planets total are retrograde right now which hasn’t happened for 10 years. How are you feeling? If you’re like me, you are having really high-highs and really low-lows but the lows are outweighing the highs. This is a time for learning lessons, retrospection, and renewal. Although I feel like I haven’t been much of a good student lately as all I want to do is find solitude and stay in my dream-realm instead of facing 3D reality.

Communications in every way will be altered. Connecting with people is hard right now and misunderstandings are all over the place as well as misplaced emails, texts, paper work, etc. Double check everything. Even though we may feel like speeding up, it’s time to slow down, take things one at a time, one day at a time.

So even though this all seems a bit much with almost our whole solar system going backwards, it’s time for learning, growing, and ascending. With that comes what you have been experiencing, such as panic attacks, pain, depression, feelings of going crazy and freaking out. This is all very normal for a time like this. While light is always at the end of the tunnel, in this case it’s a very long tunnel.


Light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel-768x1024Photograph by: http://jojogingerhead.co.uk

It’s ok to feel your feelings! If you need to cry then cry, in fact make it an ugly cry!! It’s a time for releasing! If you need to punch something, go for it… just make sure it’s not another person. Try a pillow or, like me, use a punching bag. Again – release!! Be proud of yourself for getting out of bed, feeding yourself and cleansing your body. These things can be extremely tough sometimes, give yourself some credit.

So, how are you feeling right now? Talk about it in detail, let it all out, RELEASE! We are here for each other and we are surrounded by love even if we don’t always feel it.
I Love You.



Retros are ’til the following dates:

Jupiter-May 9
Mercury-May 21
Mars-June 28
Saturn-Aug 12
Pluto-Sept 25






Easy Astro ~ Sun in Taurus

easy astro

Sun in Taurus

Art By Josephine Wall: http://www.josephinewall.co.uk

Happy Solar Returns to Taurus!! Time to slow down and really indulge in all our senses. Treat yourself to delicious foods, listen to your favorite music, watch live theatre, stop and smell the roses, have sensual sex or wrap yourself up in a cozy blanket!

There’s no need to rush, everything will come to you at the right time. You may feel that there is no place like home for the next month and are happiest in your zen den.

This bull doesn’t take any bull so your sense of sniffing out the bull-shit will be heightened. Of course being stubborn and bull headed will be amplified as well. If it’s a topic you are really passionate about stick to your guns and believe in your own truth.

Art by Kersten Schoene: https://society6.com/kerstinschoene

Slow and steady wins the race with Taurus, so all those projects you have been working on, they will get done, eventually. Your to-do list will get done in due time. There’s no rush to get done first like there is with Aries. Taurus is naturally grounded as an Earth sign and is confident that everything will get finished exactly when the time is right.

Let us all take advantage of the Sun in Taurus and focus on everything it stands for. It will make your everyday lives easier as well as give you closure as to why you may be feeling these energies right now. Take your bull by the horns and enjoy the ride!


Stone for Taurus:


Emerald for abundance, growth, prosperity and Earthly energies.

Color for Taurus:


Green for the same as well as healing especially the Heart Chakra.

Essential Oil:

Eucalyptus for sinuses, sore throats and aching muscles (especially the  neck and shoulders which Taurus rules).



Coltsfoot, also known as Bullsfoot, for the horseshoe shaped leaves.
Used for coughs, colds and flu.

Nothing is so strong as gentleness,
nothing so gentle as real strength. – Sitting Bull sittingbull



Easy Astro ~ 04/19/16

easy astro

April 19th, 2016

Mars and Pluto Retrograde


When planets go retro, a lot of us feel worry and dread towards this occurrence. It’s understandable, especially with all the different web sites telling you the negative side to it, harping on what you shouldn’t do during this period of time. I’m going to lightly touch base on the negative connotations of these events, then focus on the positive aspects of Mars and Pluto going retro.

Mars going retro until June 28th. It can bring up hot tempers and arguments that no one will win in the end. You can assert yourself but if a fight starts my advice during this time is to just walk away, calm down and deal with it in another way. It is said that anything started during Mars retro won’t work out, as in a new job, a new relationship, a new home, etc. That doesn’t mean if you get the opportunity to do these things not to do them! Go for it anyway, time will tell if it will work out. Action may slow down or even stop when it comes to productivity and organization. You’re likely to feel a lack of energy and motivation. Rest is always good for us, so go with it! If you want to counter this, try exercising, drink lots of water and eat healthy whenever possible.

dancefreeAs with all retros, this is a time for re-thinking things and going over your plans, but I also feel it’s about RELEASING!! Release pent up anger in healthy ways like hitting a punching bag or some sweaty activity-like sex or dancing!!! This is a great time to release your inner passions and desires and just have fun!

Pluto goes retro ’til September 25th, so that is the whole summer! What’s so interesting about Pluto is that it represents our shadow sides and the underworld, so when it goes retro we actually have more control over temptations and dark thoughts/actions because we easily recognize these things as they come to a head and can act accordingly. This is a time when we see things we don’t like about ourselves and make positive changes for our greater good which is exactly what Pluto stands for: Transformation. We can get closure with our past and move forward. It also gives us the chance to face our fears and over come them. Overall, Pluto retro should have a positive effect on you!!




Let us use these retros for good and come out of them a stronger, healthier being than we were before!

❤ Love Always, Kelly



Gifts of the 12th House

Isolation, secrets, the subconscious mind, they all represent the 12th house and have been a common theme in my life. I have my Moon and Neptune in the 12th house. With these placements my soul tends to hide out in my subconscious, and sometimes the only way for me to reach it is by doing dream work. Once I’m in my dream state or living in my other world, everything comes to life. My emotions, my actions and my choices become highly elevated and seem more real than actual 3D reality.  I work very hard in this “dream world” as I have exceptional healing techniques that I can only use in the subconscious realms. I’m very powerful there, in a benevolent way and actually feel my emotions strongly, rather than in my 3D life where I feel almost numb to them.
Another way to reach my soul, as it hides out in the 12th house with my Moon, is through creative expression of every kind. No wonder when I’m doing theatre I feel right at home. When I sing and dance on stage, I am sharing my soul with others as well as connecting to it for myself. Nothing in the world compares to the feelings I feel when I get to perform. Not only do I get to heal myself but I’m healing others at the same time. My whole life has been based around music, theatre, singing and dancing; now I know why, because that’s where my soul lives.

I also have Neptune in the 12th house which is its ruling planet. This placement has me reaching rock bottom before I make any changes in my life. It happens to me over and over again, like a vicious cycle I have yet to break. I recognize this as one of my life lessons, as it may take my whole life to remedy the tough situations I put myself through.  Neptune brings out the best and worst of the 12th house. Self-victimization and disassociation have made themselves my best friends without asking for my consent first.

On a lighter note, “This can also be the most transcendental, inspirational 12th House planet of all. These people are highly gifted on psychic and creative levels. Their potential to heal and bless the world and themselves is enormous. But, their Neptune needs to be owned first.”  Astrology Arena


Either way, I accept these planetary 12th house placements with arms wide open
and am so grateful for the lessons they are teaching me.



Kelly’s Easy Astro ~ 04/07/16

easy astro

April 7th, 2016


New Moon in Aries!

Time to get to work, get things done and move forward. Haven’t you put it off long enough? With 6 planets in fire signs, the Universe is helping you out with an extra push, or rather, a big shove! This is a Super Moon, the 2nd strongest one we will have this year. This is determined by the Moon’s proximity to the Earth. It amplifies the feelings represented by the Aries Moon. With the New Moon in Aries, our tempers could heat up quicker than usual and arguments are more likely. Emotions are running high and we are dealing with tons of feels! Try to do something physical or creative to release this energy.

FLAME%20DANCEFlame Dance by Leonid Afremov

Don’t forget to write down your New Moon Intentions and either bury it in your yard as a seed of potential, or burn it, which would be a good way to use this Fire energy. What are you going to do on this day/night of the Aries Super Moon?


To connect to Aries Energy:


Crystals: Garnet & Bloodstone

Garnet is a stone of regeneration and energizing.
Garnet can boost the energy of an entire system and revitalize it. It is said to be stabilizing in that it can bring order to chaos whether internal or external.

~ ~ ~

Bloodstone is excellent for centering and grounding.
It is said to help with calming, particularly in survival situations. It brings mystical energies of increasing adaptability and organization, and lessening confusion, stress, and anxiety.


Color: Red


Being the color of physical movement, the color red awakens our physical life force.


Essential Oil: Rose

Rose Oil boosts self esteem, confidence, and mental strength while efficiently fighting depression…  This oil is widely used in aromatherapy and invokes positive thoughts, spiritual relaxation and feelings of joy, happiness and hope.


Herb: Basil


Basil is sacred to Vishnu, Tulasi and Erzulie, masculine in nature, and associated with the element of fire and the planet Mars.







Kelly’s Easy Astro ~ 04/05/16

easy astro

April 5th, 2016

New Moon Wishing Days!


The 2 days before the New Moon are always the New Moon Wishing Days. It’s when you start thinking about setting intentions and goals that you want to achieve within the next 2 weeks.


Write out a list of things you want to grow in your life as well as goals you would like to complete. I make two lists. One I bury in the backyard for growth, like a seed that will begin to sprout. The other I keep and go over it, reading it again to myself and the Universe and making changes when needed.

Also some big changes!!
Venus is now in Aries and Mercury is now in Taurus!!

That’s 6 planets in Fire signs!! This is a bit too heavy of an energy for me but maybe you are loving it! Instead of going out and being productive I’ve been feeling the opposite and turning inwards. Which way are you feeling? Spontaneous and Energetic or Thoughtful and Needing Solitude?

Now that Venus is in Aries you may feel seductive and excited to chase your mate. Feelings of1 “I want this right now!” are very strong. Aries in Venus is great for forgetting about the past lovers we had and concentrating on a new matters of the heart. Also the need for self-love is very strong. Aries always wants to put themselves first and that goes with relationships too.


A womans's hands crossed over her chest. Photo based illustration.


Mercury has moved into earthy Taurus! Time for some down to earth, slow and thoughtful thinking and communicating. Feelings of being more grounded in your own truth are strong. Sticking to the old way of doing things will prevail over trying something new.


Crystal of the Day:

Moonstone for tapping into Lunar energies.

Essential Oil of the Day:

Cypress to release blockages and allow transition to take place.

Color of the Day:

Green for manifestation, growth, and abundance with the New Moon.

Herb of the Day:

Allspice as a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
