11:11 New Moon Bonanza!

I want to share a melange of 11:11 & New Moon positivity with you….  I intended to do this much earlier in the day, but sometimes the Universe has other plans. I hope the timing is serendipitous for you. Enjoy! ❤




When I am in fear I want more and more,
Love, money, and power than ever before.
But when my eyes open I begin to see,
That I always get just what I need.

~ Kaypacha



Please visit thespiritscience.net for an amazing manifesting ritual
by Jocelyn Daher

And last, but not least, a Tarot Card for the occasion!!!


9 of CUPS

This is a lovely card, known as Lord of Happiness. It talks about a sense of inner fulfillment and bliss, which radiates outward to touch everybody with whom you come into contact.

At a spiritual level, we’re talking about inner harmony, contentment and tranquility – an appreciation of the High Powers, feeling at one with the Universe. This feeling leads to feeling that we are blessed by life.

On an everyday level, the card will often come up to mark periods of high achievement, and the resulting sense of pleasure and satisfaction. It will also come up to acknowledge joy and happiness in an emotional relationship.

When this card appears in your reading, it’s important to make the time to simply enjoy your own feelings, to revel in your sense of calmness and joy.

~ http://www.angelpaths.com

Much Love and Many Blessings on this Magical New Moon!


❤ Druyan

New Moon 11/11 at 19 degrees Scorpio

By Jane


Final Lunations of 2015

  • Nov 11th, 2015: New Moon at 19 degrees Scorpio, 12:47 PM, Wednesday
  • Nov 25th, 2015: Full “Beaver” Moon at 3 degrees Gemini, 5:44 PM, Wednesday
  • Dec 11th, 2015: New Moon at 19 degrees Sagittarius,  5:29 AM, Friday
  • Dec 25th, 2015: Full “Cold or Long Night” Moon at 3 degrees Cancer, 6:11 AM, Friday

“THE MOON makes a series of positive planetary connections leading up to this new lunar cycle. MERCURY closely accompanies this SCORPIO NEW MOON, indicating deep considerations and research over the next two weeks of the waxing moon. Some of the best insights come from dreams and spiritual realms, with healing import. Think of a snake shedding its outworn skin. Be gentle, we can’t force the process. As we share our perceptions we find common ground beyond manmade boundaries. Universal truths prevail.” http://heliastar.com/cosmic-news/eleven-eleven-new-moon/


“Please join in worldwide prayers for peace on Wednesday 11-11 at 11:11 am and pm in your time zone. 1111 is a powerful Angel Number which signals an energy gateway opening for instant manifestation. To add to this power, the New Moon is on Wednesday 11-11! New moon is historically the time of manifestation and heightened receptivity. The New Moon is in Scorpio, a powerful sign of intuition and manifestation.”  Doreen Virtue
You can always look at “This Week in Astrology” at Cafe Astrology to see if there is a significant lunation in the week.

What sign is the Moon in?

First we can consider the sign that the Moon is in.  The moon changes sign about every 2.5 days, taking a lunar month to traverse the sky and our charts.

“Intensity is what the Moon in Scorpio is all about. Whether it’s passion, elation, sorrow, or desire, emotions are felt on a deeply personal level. We are motivated by the desire to get to the bottom of things, and we instinctively read between the lines. Superficiality won’t work for us now. The Moon in Scorpio urges us to uncover our own power, and it’s an excellent time to rid ourselves of old fears and limiting habits. It can be an intimate and passionate time. Avoid manipulative tactics, brooding, and suspiciousness. The Moon in Scorpio generally favors the following activities: Taxes, accounting, intimacy issues, psychological examinations, research, self-examination, getting rid of old things.”

When the Moon is in Scorpio

“Here the Moon is in it’s Fall. Vigorous activity is favored here and the person tends to push themselves to the limit. Determined to succeed, and confident enough to achieve goals and desires. Has a desire to satisfy their unusual tastes, Sarcastic and caustic in nature.”  http://www.terrynazon.com/moon.html

What is happening at the lunations?

Every new moon (and full moon) is different because it falls in a different sign.  When the moon is new it is in the same sign as the Sun because, by definition, they are conjunct and the moon is between the earth and the sun.  When the moon is full it is in the opposite sign from the Sun because, by definition, they are the farthest from each other, with the earth between them.

“This is the best time of the month to observe faint objects such as galaxies and star clusters because there is no moonlight to interfere.”

What house is this moon occuring in for your natal chart?

So an important thing to consider is the house in your natal chart where the lunation is falling, as well as any planets that might be nearby.

So you will need to look at your chart.  I recommend pulling it up at http://astro.com (use the free extended charts, natal and transits option) or you can order from me.
Here is the section of my chart showing the Moon (conjunct the Sun) on 11/11 in my 11th:
New Moon in my 11th House
Not sure what all those glyphs (symbols) mean?
So for me, the moon falls in my 11th house.  You can look up the meaning here, among other places: New Moon in the Houses

New Moon in the Eleventh House

The eleventh house is a sector associated with networking, making contact, group activities, and income earned from business. With the New Moon here, focus is on making contacts and reaching out to others in both a social and professional sense. It’s a time to turn inner restlessness into fruitful contact with others. Heightened awareness of your position in life within the context of the group, rather than through self-centered focus, is probable with this position of the New Moon, as well as a need for social security. Goals that involve networking, making connections with others, joining or strengthening ties in a group project/activity, and nurturing good will are the focus this month.

From the New Moon, through the First Quarter Moon until the Full Moon, the moon is said to be waxing, which means the light is increasing.  From the Full Moon, through the Last Quarter Moon until the next New Moon, the moon is said to be waning, or reducing in light.

Balsamic Moon: 10 ½ days after the Full Moon, up to the New Moon, or 2.5 days before.  So we are entering the Balsamic Phase soon.  “If this is your Moon phase, you see in the dark. You’re at home when enveloped in mysteries, especially the ultimate mystery – death. Your life purpose is to tie up loose ends, and create a nutrient-rich environment for the new to germinate.”


2015 Astrology Gemstone Calendar

November and December

Introductory Astrology

http://astrologicalcounsel.blogspot.com/2015/11/new-moon-1111-at-19-degrees-scorpio.html  Jane Leu Rekas, LCSW, astrology blogger

astrological counsel header

It’s Ok…


Just want to say…
It’s ok not to be perfect!
It’s ok to struggle during ascension shifts!
It’s ok if you do not have a perfect body, health or life!
It’s ok if you don’t have much money!
No Lamas have any money of their own…..one famous lama had a heart condition his whole life….lamas don’t have perfect hair, teeth and figures……The Dalai Lama admits to feeling angry sometimes!
If you hold your spiritual enlightenment up to the ‘perfect light’ you may see how many imperfections it holds!
Being Ascended cannot be measured in human terms!
It is about your Soul, not your body, wealth or earthly success!
Some new age and protestant thinking would have us believe that perfection is a sign of gods favour and grace.
But remember ‘ordinary appearances’ can be deceiving!
A seemingly perfect human can be spiritually trapped in the wheel of karma. An imperfect human can be liberated.
Our human bodies are temporary vessels, our souls are temporary libraries of experience. Our essence is beyond all of this ‘imperfection’
Take a deep breath today and forgive yourself all imperfections…..if your heart is pure, that is all that counts!


Self Forgiveness Prayer with Avaloketishvara & Mother Mary

Great Goddess of Compassion and most Joyful Buddha.
You who love all beings without exception.
Teach me your inner wisdom and inner truth…
that I and all Beings are worthy of Love.
With your guidance, I shall accept the Universal Love
of the Holy Spirit into my Heart
And from that deep place of wisdom and sacred knowledge,
I shall open my Heart and my Life to Love.
This Love, is your Love –
Unconditional and Eternal.
I let it flow through me, like a river of everlasting Light.
Forgiving myself with every drop, forgiving others with each blissful wave.
I Accept your Love and your Blessings without reservation.
I Am Love.


kt king
KT King – Facebook

Kuan Yin Oracle ~ 11/05/15



You have an inner gift of great value, born of struggle, adversity and challenge. In wisdom you know that suffering can lead to growth provided we are willing to search for a way to heal through it. Seeing challenges as ways to expand your spiritual light empowers you to focus on the growing light, rather than getting caught up in suffering.

Natural pearls are rare, lustrous feminine gems, created within a living organism, the pearl oyster. They have a unique creation process. Natural pearls are created when a foreign entity, such as a grain of sand or a parasite, finds its way into the pearl oyster. The oyster reacts and creates layers of pearlescent substance, creating warmly glowing treasure within.

Just like the beautiful and rare natural pearl, you have a unique spiritual beauty to offer the world. Your pearl is your precious gift, something unique that is being born through your experiences and consciousness that cannot be created or copied by another because it is of your own unique Soul light.

Any struggles you have experienced are a karmic gift to help you grow this inner exquisite offering to support the spiritual evolution of humanity. Once you recognise this, you can dispense with your struggles more swiftly, using them to help you grow and not adding unnecessary energy or focus to the problem., which might make it grow instead!

If you have found yourself attracting negative energies from those around you, or perhaps feeling drained or sometimes even possessed by negative thoughts or experiences, you don’t have to feel afraid. You can heal with Kuan Yin now, allowing that which is stirred up within you to begin forming the beautiful gift you have to share. Just as the pearl starts from irritation and reaction, so are the circumstances in your life which feel uncomfortable serving you to help you grow your gift. It is times to realise that your Soul is growing its lustre and beauty to share with the world. Once you realise this, your struggles become less and your Soul light becomes even more luminous.


Gently close your eyes and focus on your breath flowing in and out. Imagine you are in a peaceful place and you become aware of a light glowing and bright, that is beloved Kuan Yin shining within your own heart. You feel yourself expanding, growing bigger. You can look down and notice any irritation, discomfort, negativity, or fear that has been of concern for you. The larger the light grows within, the smaller that issue becomes.

The light begins to glow with pearlescent, luminous warmth. It wraps itself around the issue with love, gentleness and peace, layer [by] layer until the issue itself disappears into an endless layering of pearlescent light.

Breathing into your heart, say “I now choose to release any negative energy that has drained me or disturbed me, I release it with love and I allow my own Kuan Yin heart to create its pearl for the highest good, so be it!”

Breathe out through your heart and be peaceful for a moment. when you are ready, open your eyes.

~ Kuan Yin Oracle Guidebook

~Paired with Rose Quartz~


“Rose quartz is often called the “Love Stone.” It’s energetic hallmark is that of unconditional love that opens the heart chakra. This makes rose quartz a stone for every type of love: self-love, family, platonic, romantic, and unconditional. As a variety of quartz, rose quartz has high energy, and this strong energy can enhance love in  virtually any situation.

 Bringing love in to life and daily situations not only brings inner warmth, but it also lowers stress and soothes those around it. Rose quartz is a very happy and loving stone.

Rose quartz is used to raise self-esteem and a strong sense of self-worth. Its loving energies teach us to apply this love to ourselves and thereby find ourselves more worthy.”



❤ Blessings,



Vale of Shadows ~ 11/01/15


Today we welcome the energy of the Quan Yin Oracle card Vale of Shadows



A lotus blossoms with deep rich mud into which she plunges her roots and draws great nourishment. From this mud, made of water and earth, growth happens and great beauty is revealed. Your Soul thrives through depth of emotion and aliveness of your body into which she can plant her Self and unfold as a lotus of light.

Your Soul is blossoming. Just like a plant that outgrows the pot in which it has been planted and requires more soil to spread its roots and continue growing, your Soul lotus needs some more mud – some more water and earth energy – so that it can grow and shine.

In the spiritual worlds, all things serve. Everything. Including our darker emotions and parts of our body that we may not think are acceptable. They are actually good nourishment for our Soul. The Soul craves love … be in love with all parts of you! Like a passionate divine lover, it wants to hold nothing back and become completely spiritually intimate with all aspects and and all parts of you whether you have thought they were lovable or not.

This can be challenging because it can feel extremely uncomfortable to visit and consciously engage with those aspects of our personality and our bodies that we have yet to really love and accept. Yet this is what you are guided to embrace now.

This process might be started by taking a class or engaging in a physical practice that honors the shadow part of you. If you have considered yourself an introverted person, it might be to begin to honor the counter side of  this, the part that needs community and people in order to thrive. If you consider your self a quiet person, you might need to explore how you can find joy through sound, music and energy, for example. If you consider yourself a passionate person, you could benefit from finding the part of you that is peaceful and content in the moment with things exactly as they are right now.

This inner play isn’t about saying that who you are now is not enough, it is about acknowledging that you are that thing you believe you are not – and finding a way to live with it with consciousness and love. It is about delving into the parts of you that have been hidden in the vale of shadows, and are now becoming ready to be revealed and lived as a part of the beautiful and whole being that you are in truth.

In particular this oracle asks you to look at where you can nourish your emotional and physical life with more focus- perhaps through art, creativity, journaling your dreams, creating collages, or engaging in dance or other forms of movement. Your spirit needs to thrive at this time.

Source: Deck Booklet

~Creativity Crystal Prescription~


Meditation for Cultivation of Creative Energy:

Blessings ❤ ~ Druyan


Crystals for Starseeds

click on images to go to sites to purchase crystals

Blue Apatite

said to be an Arcturian Healing Stone

“This stone works strongly within the throat chakra and the third eye chakra, and overall it is a powerful stone to aid the generation of many psychic gifts. It has a powerful ability to stimulate the development of your psychic visionary abilities. The growth of the gift of clairvoyance or psychic visions is quite common among many people who use the stone.”


“Lemurian quartz crystal

is a type of crystal that is reputed to help you to retrieve information about the ancient civilisation of Lemuria. So why do lightworkers find these crystals so fascinating? Lightworkers have received a lot of information, while using Lemurian crystals. What has been discovered by those using them, is that these crystals were left for us to use by a very advanced civilisation. When you are using these stones, and you make a connection with them, you feel like you are being transported back to an ancient time. More and more of these crystals are being brought to light, and the need for the average person to use them is also becoming evident.”


a powerful green stone, may release powerful memories in developing Starseeds. Scientists have speculated that Moldavite’s high vibrational frequency may be caused by extraterrestrial influences: the stone, which has an unusually intense energy, crashed to Earth from a mysterious location 15 million years ago. Since Moldavite aligns with the Heart Chakra, wearing this pendant on a low chain can bring the Starseed warmth and comfort as he awakens to the callings of his true self.”

Angelic Communication, Clarity

Star Crystal Set

“These are crystals that have been attuned to the energies of the important stars and star beings from Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Andromeda, Orion (constellation). Vega, Ashtar * The actual crystals are clear quartz crystals which come from earth. They are first cleared of any unwanted energies before being attuned to the star energies and later being checked for a clear attunement. The crystals come in separate colour coded pouches with identification.”

Seven Crystals for Starseeds

“1) Moldavite -Assists Starchildren to adjust to the earth plane. Allows expanded consciousness into physical brain structure. Via Communication releases the home sickness of starry ones. Allows acceptance of the Earth plane to create a new reality.

2) Sugilite -Embrace of Divine Purpose, lets us know why we came to earth. Creates a space of adjustment to learn how to embrace the physical. Carries and protects the inner child into adulthood. Relieves Depression and Confusion.

3) Charorite -Transforms, overcomes Fear and allows acceptance of spiritual change. Allows manifestation via the spirit through the heart. Balances Heart and Crown.

4) Hematite – Powerful Grounding, Anchors the light bodies to the physical via the earth star, bringing the spirit into the body. Decreases emotional intensity balancing moods. Encourages Action not Reaction.

5) Lepidolite -Blends, balances Heart and Mind. Delivers higher awareness. Has a strong balancing effect on brain function via its lithium content. Anti-depressive.

6) Kyanite -Clears, Balances and aligns. Aids clear and calm communication. Its Energy adjusts Newborns to the lower brain wave frequencies of the physical.

7) Labradorite -Moldavites anchor stone on earth. Carries the seeds of the concepts and advanced energies needed by starchildren to complete their mission. Allows the realisation of the Joy of Freewill in Manifestation. Regulates Metabolism and Brain function. Aids E.T communication.”



Also posted at


~*Samhain Altars*~

This is something I was intending to do yesterday, but between a sick kiddo and Halloween festivities….. here we are today! 😛 Which actually ended up working out because traditionally, Samhain is on the 1st of November! I will be sharing altar photos, adding through the day. The purpose of this is to create a kind of Virtual Ritual, to boost our collective energy. If you’d like to share a photo of your altar, email it to sacredmoongrove@gmail.com and I will post it here!









corialtar Collage



~Samhain Blessings!~


❤ Druyan