Easy Astro ~ 04/19/16

easy astro

April 19th, 2016

Mars and Pluto Retrograde


When planets go retro, a lot of us feel worry and dread towards this occurrence. It’s understandable, especially with all the different web sites telling you the negative side to it, harping on what you shouldn’t do during this period of time. I’m going to lightly touch base on the negative connotations of these events, then focus on the positive aspects of Mars and Pluto going retro.

Mars going retro until June 28th. It can bring up hot tempers and arguments that no one will win in the end. You can assert yourself but if a fight starts my advice during this time is to just walk away, calm down and deal with it in another way. It is said that anything started during Mars retro won’t work out, as in a new job, a new relationship, a new home, etc. That doesn’t mean if you get the opportunity to do these things not to do them! Go for it anyway, time will tell if it will work out. Action may slow down or even stop when it comes to productivity and organization. You’re likely to feel a lack of energy and motivation. Rest is always good for us, so go with it! If you want to counter this, try exercising, drink lots of water and eat healthy whenever possible.

dancefreeAs with all retros, this is a time for re-thinking things and going over your plans, but I also feel it’s about RELEASING!! Release pent up anger in healthy ways like hitting a punching bag or some sweaty activity-like sex or dancing!!! This is a great time to release your inner passions and desires and just have fun!

Pluto goes retro ’til September 25th, so that is the whole summer! What’s so interesting about Pluto is that it represents our shadow sides and the underworld, so when it goes retro we actually have more control over temptations and dark thoughts/actions because we easily recognize these things as they come to a head and can act accordingly. This is a time when we see things we don’t like about ourselves and make positive changes for our greater good which is exactly what Pluto stands for: Transformation. We can get closure with our past and move forward. It also gives us the chance to face our fears and over come them. Overall, Pluto retro should have a positive effect on you!!




Let us use these retros for good and come out of them a stronger, healthier being than we were before!

❤ Love Always, Kelly



Facing the Shadow


What is Jung’s “Shadow”?

This topic has been tumbling around in my head over the past week… It seemed that everywhere I looked, there it was: Shadow Work. Embracing the Shadow. What does this really mean? After going down the Shadow Work rabbit hole, I decided I liked the term “Facing” rather than “Embracing”, and this video perfectly explains why….

When we embrace our shadow without the intention of transmuting it, we get too comfortable with it and start to make excuses for why certain behaviors or attitudes are ok (“That’s just my Shadow…”), when what needs to happen is to take a good, hard look at those uncomfortable parts of ourselves, those areas where we are engaging in negative behaviors and do the work it takes to change them. It’s not easy, but as Jung said:


Transformation. Rebirth. Evolution. A new Earth. Seeking balance within our souls in order to reach a higher level of vibration and human consciousness….this is what many of us are striving for right now. Autumn is a time to open your heart to your shadow side, and use it to help you grow on your spiritual path.

With the start of the harvest festivals last month, Mother Natures energy begins to shift. Autumn is a time of transition, transformation, and preparing for the introspection and hibernation of winter. Our pysches begin to turn inward, and the focus shifts to our “shadow side”. These retrospective energies are enhanced by the Mercury Retrograde…. combined with the power of the equinox (balance of light and dark), the balancing act of the Sun in Libra, and lots more astrological syncs that I will be writing about soon!

Shadow sides are a tricky subject. Since August I have seen more and more syncs happening with our “shadow selves”, and with the Autumn Equinox, I was finally ready to accept that my shadow side is a part of who I am. You can read about this in my blog “the Autumn Winds of Change”.

I want to share with you the experience I had while meditating to find my shadow side…….

Read the full article here: Facing the Darkness


~ By Jade Wolfwriter


(The Binaural Beat meditation Jade mentions in her article is here.)


A GREAT read on Jung’s esoteric side, I read this book a few years back and while I was reading it I began noticing many synchronicities that eventually led me into exploring my Shadow Self:

jungthemysticJung the Mystic


I hope that what I have come across over the last week will help you in your Shadow Work, as it has helped me. And, please, if you have anything you have come across that has helped you in this area feel free to share it in the comments!

❤ Blessings!


~ Druyan