Easy Astro ~ Sun in Taurus

easy astro

Sun in Taurus

Art By Josephine Wall: http://www.josephinewall.co.uk

Happy Solar Returns to Taurus!! Time to slow down and really indulge in all our senses. Treat yourself to delicious foods, listen to your favorite music, watch live theatre, stop and smell the roses, have sensual sex or wrap yourself up in a cozy blanket!

There’s no need to rush, everything will come to you at the right time. You may feel that there is no place like home for the next month and are happiest in your zen den.

This bull doesn’t take any bull so your sense of sniffing out the bull-shit will be heightened. Of course being stubborn and bull headed will be amplified as well. If it’s a topic you are really passionate about stick to your guns and believe in your own truth.

Art by Kersten Schoene: https://society6.com/kerstinschoene

Slow and steady wins the race with Taurus, so all those projects you have been working on, they will get done, eventually. Your to-do list will get done in due time. There’s no rush to get done first like there is with Aries. Taurus is naturally grounded as an Earth sign and is confident that everything will get finished exactly when the time is right.

Let us all take advantage of the Sun in Taurus and focus on everything it stands for. It will make your everyday lives easier as well as give you closure as to why you may be feeling these energies right now. Take your bull by the horns and enjoy the ride!


Stone for Taurus:


Emerald for abundance, growth, prosperity and Earthly energies.

Color for Taurus:


Green for the same as well as healing especially the Heart Chakra.

Essential Oil:

Eucalyptus for sinuses, sore throats and aching muscles (especially the  neck and shoulders which Taurus rules).



Coltsfoot, also known as Bullsfoot, for the horseshoe shaped leaves.
Used for coughs, colds and flu.

Nothing is so strong as gentleness,
nothing so gentle as real strength. – Sitting Bull sittingbull



Kelly’s Easy Astro ~ 04/05/16

easy astro

April 5th, 2016

New Moon Wishing Days!


The 2 days before the New Moon are always the New Moon Wishing Days. It’s when you start thinking about setting intentions and goals that you want to achieve within the next 2 weeks.


Write out a list of things you want to grow in your life as well as goals you would like to complete. I make two lists. One I bury in the backyard for growth, like a seed that will begin to sprout. The other I keep and go over it, reading it again to myself and the Universe and making changes when needed.

Also some big changes!!
Venus is now in Aries and Mercury is now in Taurus!!

That’s 6 planets in Fire signs!! This is a bit too heavy of an energy for me but maybe you are loving it! Instead of going out and being productive I’ve been feeling the opposite and turning inwards. Which way are you feeling? Spontaneous and Energetic or Thoughtful and Needing Solitude?

Now that Venus is in Aries you may feel seductive and excited to chase your mate. Feelings of1 “I want this right now!” are very strong. Aries in Venus is great for forgetting about the past lovers we had and concentrating on a new matters of the heart. Also the need for self-love is very strong. Aries always wants to put themselves first and that goes with relationships too.


A womans's hands crossed over her chest. Photo based illustration.


Mercury has moved into earthy Taurus! Time for some down to earth, slow and thoughtful thinking and communicating. Feelings of being more grounded in your own truth are strong. Sticking to the old way of doing things will prevail over trying something new.


Crystal of the Day:

Moonstone for tapping into Lunar energies.

Essential Oil of the Day:

Cypress to release blockages and allow transition to take place.

Color of the Day:

Green for manifestation, growth, and abundance with the New Moon.

Herb of the Day:

Allspice as a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.


Full Hunter’s Moon ~ Oct. 27, 2015


Full Moon in Taurus

I cannot believe it’s already Full Moon time again! This month’s Moon is in the sign of Taurus, and this one is extra special to me, having a natal Taurus Moon! ❤

You are likely to find that you relate easily to the physical plane, and find much comfort in what you can see, hear, smell, touch and taste. Taurus is also a Fixed sign, implying constancy, patience and perseverance…

In essence, it is usually quite fortunate to be born when the Moon is in this sign. Here, the lunar energies are particularly strong, owing to the special connection between the Moon and Taurus. Astrologers describe the Moon as “exalted” in Taurus, which means the lunar qualities of fecundity, nurturing, sustenance and fertility are most easily expressed. If you are born with the Moon here, you have a greater opportunity to be in touch with your fundamental needs, together with the practicality to know how to achieve them. Often, those born when the Moon is in Taurus have a strong capacity to enjoy the pleasures of life, coupled with an uncanny ability to somehow attract them.



Taurus loves luxury… this is a time to indulge your senses! Really BE in your physical body! This is a great time to incorporate the use of essential oils into your routine… Whether using a diffuser for aromatherapy or making a sensuous body oil, some of the best essential oils for Taurus are:

  • eucalyptus– A stimulant, removes exhaustion and mental sluggishness and rejuvenates the spirit. Great for relaxing tired shoulders and neck, the body area of Taurus.
  • palmarosa –  Calming and uplifting. It clears the mind to help with decision-making and helps to develop wisdom. Subtle, cooling, and delicate.
  • ylang ylang – Used in blends intended to focus upon happiness, gratitude and celebrating blessings. Ylang Ylang is also considered an aphrodisiac.
  • rose – With the key to Rose’s psychological properties being its effect on the center of emotional being, Rose calms and supports the heart, helping to nourish ‘heart-yin’ and restore a sense of well-being.
  • vanilla – It’s fragrance is one of universal appeal as is its influence on the emotions – it invites sensuality, relaxes inhibitions, and dissolves anger and frustration.
  • patchouli – Emotionally, Patchouli Essential Oil is calming and grounding. Spiritually, it has been used alone or in blends during prayer and meditation.


*Be very careful with essential oils, always use a pure carrier oil to dilute oils, keep away from eyes and mucous membranes, also keep away from small children and animals. Recommendations for topical use only. Use extreme caution during pregnancy and nursing.

Crystals for Taurus:

Diamond, Aquamarine, Kunzite, Garnet, Tiger Eye Quartz,
Emerald, Rose Quartz, Red Coral and Turquoise.

Incorporate whatever feels like a Taurean energy in your sacred moon-time.  Here is a great ritual idea via Mooncircles:

And as always, a fantastic write-up on this full moon via Mystic Mamma:

I wanted to pull a card for us to reveal the energy this full moon will bring, and I drew The Hooded Man….

hooded man

HoodThe time of the Hooded Man is here. Whether he appears in the guise of an inner guide and mentor or simply as a state of mind, you will understand that now is a time to withdraw and rest. After a long journey through the Wildwood, many emotions and experiences need to be absorbed. This is the beginning of understanding – not just of yourself. but of the Universe. The hermit-like Hooded Man appears differently for everyone. Whether through meditation or solitude in the mountains, through prayer or holidaying in a secluded place, his light will illuminate the way to the heart of the endless cycle of being.

Source: Deck Book


There is also a very “going it alone” vibe to this card…. sometimes we have to forge ahead in solitude, or maybe we choose a surprising path, or maybe we meet a guide along our path that takes us to a fork in the road… this is a time of being connected to your Higher Self to help light the way as you forge ahead into new territory.

It’s very likely that at this time a person will come into your life who is like a mentor or teacher even if they don’t “teach” you directly. You will still learn from them on several levels. Honor the need that you may be having to withdraw to a degree from ordinary life – It won’t last forever. You will soon be feeling much more social, so don’t push yourself now to be around a lot of people unless it is absolutely necessary. You will likely emerge from this month feeling refreshed and renewed, particularly on a spiritual level.


As you take this time to go within and meditate on the messages of this Taurus Moon, keep in mind that to truly progress, we must first emerge as our True Selves, and the only way to meet that person is to slow down and go inside. Once we find out what our hearts beat for, we can emerge and embody the beacon of the Hooded Man.



