New Moon in Cancer ~ 7/4/16

newmooncancerAhhh, the New Moon. It’s a great time for clearing the proverbial slate, seeing exactly where we are and re-evaluating where we’re headed. It is a time for feeling out the choices before us. A time of ritual. The words we speak in the dark have a way of reaching places we can’t otherwise access. This darkness incubates our deepest desires which is why it’s so very important to align what we say we want with what lies in the core of our being. What is our Truth? With so much emotion being amplified by the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus all in moody Cancer, things can feel overwhelming, unclear. It felt like a good time to turn to Tarot for a little guidance and clarity. The Sacred Rose Tarot has such a gentle spirit that it felt like the best choice for this moment…




Seeing the word Judgement can make one think this is a harsh card, yet this one is anything but:

Wonderful things are starting to happen now. Forge ahead and see what the future holds – face life realistically. Trust and believe that the new vibrations will let you see exactly what you’d like to be. Take a good look at your life and you will be gifted with the vision to see ahead. You are being blessed with cosmic energies that will give you the guidance you need – be willing now to direct yourself – make all the changes you desire. You have achieved worthy goals, attained inner development and you are entering a time of serenity and happiness – a time of new beginnings.

Truth will always destroy anything false. The liberating effect of life-giving beliefs will result in new patterns that will change your behavior. Beliefs emerge from the dream state as bursts of revelation – reconciling divergent ideas and bridging the gaps between your beliefs. You experience your emotions – triumphing over psychological chaos as you break through into new dimensions of awareness that are now conscious. From the source of your being you are regenerated and reborn as you recognize the true freedom that comes from the realization that you shape your own reality.


See? Rather than being a judgemental card, it is one of discernment. What is working in our lives and what isn’t? Do we have to keep doing things the same way we’ve been doing them? No. The theme that keeps coming back over and over lately is one of choices. WE HAVE CHOICES! I can’t say it loud enough. This card can indicate that you have made wonderful choices or that you may need to look at the ones you’re making. It’s up to us to see ourselves clearly. When we do, there is always a chance for a fresh start. So fitting for the New Moon.

This is also a card of emotional consciousness. Awareness. Getting on our own team and deciding to make the changes that will ultimately serve us (and those that have to deal with us) better in the long run. There may be many feelings brought up by this New Moon, and some of them can be very uncomfortable. It may be exhilarating to have an emotional outburst. But what about the fallout? How about trying to explain your emotions rather than acting them out? One really great way to start shifting the way you emote is through something called Emotional Release Technique, which you can learn more about here. To help get intense emotions under control, also try to “find a reason to feel good now”:

There is also a very tender aspect to all this Cancer energy. There is a beautiful vulnerability under that hard shell. This is a powerful time where deep, lasting transformation can occur if we open up a bit. This is where we can access our deepest inner Truth and really start to live it. The moon & stars are on our side. ❤




Kelly’s Easy Astro ~ 04/05/16

easy astro

April 5th, 2016

New Moon Wishing Days!


The 2 days before the New Moon are always the New Moon Wishing Days. It’s when you start thinking about setting intentions and goals that you want to achieve within the next 2 weeks.


Write out a list of things you want to grow in your life as well as goals you would like to complete. I make two lists. One I bury in the backyard for growth, like a seed that will begin to sprout. The other I keep and go over it, reading it again to myself and the Universe and making changes when needed.

Also some big changes!!
Venus is now in Aries and Mercury is now in Taurus!!

That’s 6 planets in Fire signs!! This is a bit too heavy of an energy for me but maybe you are loving it! Instead of going out and being productive I’ve been feeling the opposite and turning inwards. Which way are you feeling? Spontaneous and Energetic or Thoughtful and Needing Solitude?

Now that Venus is in Aries you may feel seductive and excited to chase your mate. Feelings of1 “I want this right now!” are very strong. Aries in Venus is great for forgetting about the past lovers we had and concentrating on a new matters of the heart. Also the need for self-love is very strong. Aries always wants to put themselves first and that goes with relationships too.


A womans's hands crossed over her chest. Photo based illustration.


Mercury has moved into earthy Taurus! Time for some down to earth, slow and thoughtful thinking and communicating. Feelings of being more grounded in your own truth are strong. Sticking to the old way of doing things will prevail over trying something new.


Crystal of the Day:

Moonstone for tapping into Lunar energies.

Essential Oil of the Day:

Cypress to release blockages and allow transition to take place.

Color of the Day:

Green for manifestation, growth, and abundance with the New Moon.

Herb of the Day:

Allspice as a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.


Venus in Capricorn

Venus in Capricorn


Venus kept floating into my peripherals and I finally decided to turn and find out why…. Natally, I have Venus in Capricorn. Guess where Venus is transiting? Yup. Hello Seagoat! However, she is still early in this sign and my Venus is in the very last degree of Capricorn…. capricorn5


Anaretic Degree:

These planets will always have a special emphasis, and it will not always be negative. Instead it may be an “edgy” feeling, or a sense of transition; the word anaretic is associated with the idea of death. Rather than being negative, it’s a place in the chart that the querent keeps coming back to, whether seeking resolution or working out a persistent issue that calls for attention.

Venus is a fast mover though, and I will be having my Venus return right smack on my Ascendant in a little under 3 weeks…. This told me just about all I needed to know about why she kept tapping me on the shoulder! Let’s just say she has my full attention. Beyond my impending Venus return, she is also making an aspect to Neptune in Pisces (my Sun sign) tomorrow. I am very curious to see how this all plays out.

In the meantime, I want to share with you a beautiful Venusian Prayer by the lovely KT King.

The day she shared this was the climax of Venus trying to get my attention! It seemed she was literally everywhere I turned….


Venus Prayer


Great Benevolent Beings Of Light, I am your vessel here on Earth.

Through me, let the holy waters flow.

May I become a Grail Knight in which the Love of Venus walks the Earth.

May we come together in this holy place where the healing waters flow.

In balance and in harmony, my heart opens, as a Rose, to hold within its petals and its thorns, the boundless compassion of the Triple Goddess of Earth, Venus & Moon.

Together may we spread the everlasting Light far into the Universe and all be blessed by your unconditional Love.


A dear friend of mine also sent me the link to this podcast on the same day I saw KT’s prayer.

Venus Unplugged Llorraine Neithardt

venusunpluggedLlorraine Neithardt is an internationally recognized Jungian-inspired cultural visionary in private practice for 29 years. In this series she speaks extemporaneously on the archetypal theme of VENUS, creating a virtual Heartbreak Hotel – a place where the wounded heart finds inspiration to accept the task of becoming a wise heart. “I have come to drag you out of your yourself and take you into my heart. I have come to bring out the beauty you never knew you had and lift you like a prayer to the sky.” Rumi


Though typically ethereal in nature, when Venus is in Capricorn she takes on a very practical vibe; she wants us to be realistic, responsible, and present:

There’s no wiggle room with this transit. The time for meandering and indulgence has passed. Capricorn demands focus, accountability, and maturity. Be responsible for Venus issues in your life. Get real about what you have and what you want. Who has authority over your relationships and resources? Who has the final say about what’s best for you? Obviously, the preferred answer is “you” but in many cases, you’ll discover that someone else is calling the shots. This transit is about facing such realities, and finding a way to get the ball back to your court… Venus in Capricorn is about loving the limits. When things don’t come easily, when you must use supreme focus and work within your existing reality, a fine-edged beauty emerges. All the nonessentials are cut out, and what’s left becomes precious.


Let us heed the call of Venus in Capricorn and chisel away at the excess stone that is both weighing us down and obscuring our inner diamonds.


Find your natal Venus placement here to explore more personally what this transit means for you.




~ Druyan


Venus Goes Direct


The big astrological news this week is the planet Venus going direct. She has been retrograde in the Sign of Leo since entering a stationary retrograde position at 0 degrees Virgo waaaay back on July 25th. As of Sept. 6th she hit a stationary position at 14 degrees Leo and will finally leave the retrograde zone at 0 degrees Virgo on October 9th.

(Here is an excellent and very comprehensive article I came across that explains the whole Venus Retrograde cycle: )

She is forcing us (thanks to some help from taskmaster Saturn) to take an honest look at our relationships and clear away any negative Karmic ties that we may still be holding onto. This brings the space for new love energy to enter our lives, and as with pretty much everything, it begins within. Self-Love. Not the selfish, ego-driven “ME first” kind of love modern society loves to promote, but real Self-Love, the kind that is gentle and understanding and sees that all is one.


From entering this space of love within ourselves, we can now give our love freely without expecting anything in return, knowing that we have an abundant source of love from within that doesn’t need external replenishing. One of the most positive results of this knowing is that we no longer depend on others to fill us with love because we now know it’s already there!

This frees us in our relationships to really engage and connect, instead of taking and being dependent. Of course we can still exchange love energy with others, but it’s not in a way where we’re in any way depleting eachother. The exchange is pure and not from a place of ego-need.



Venus on seashell, from the Casa di Venus, Pompeii. Before 79 AD.

Years ago someone I only interacted with for one brief (but intense) conversation told me something very profound; that most people walk around as half circles, looking for other half circles to complete them, to make them feel whole, when what they really should be doing is completing their own circle. To be whole as an individual. When we are whole unto our Selves, we then seek other whole individuals so that when we join together the symbol of infinity is created. May we love ourselves enough to complete our own circle.

infiniti heart

On Friday there will be a very special post including a spiritual cord-cutting exercise to help clear out any old Karmic connections that we have realized we don’t need during this Venus Retrograde.

Stay Tuned!

❤ Blessings,

