The Veil is Thin


The veil is thin as we approach a New Moon, Samhain and Day of the Dead, on 10/30, 10/31 and 11/1.  This means it is a time when it is easier to connect with spirits, especially of those loved ones lost.

This Friday 10/30/16, we have a New Moon at 7 degrees Scorpio (exact when Sun and Moon ar both at this degree).  The crystal for the degree is Pearl!

Black Moonstone to represent the New Moon.  Seawater Pearls (on Selenite) for 7 Scorpio.  Also Hematite, Blue Tourmaline (and it’s raw version), Yellow Jasper, Bloodstone, Howlite, Lapis Lazuli and Quartz.



The Moon moves to 20 degrees Scorpio on Samhain and 1 degree of Sagittarius on Day of the Dead.

Here is a Samhain Ritual.


(Mercury is conjunct the new moon at 9 degrees Scorpio on that date.  The Sun and Moon are trining Neptune at 9 degrees Pisces (which is opposing the North Node). Venus is conjunct Saturn, both at 14 degrees Sagittarius.  Mars at 23 Capricorn is square Uranus at 21 Aries. Pluto is also in Capricorn at 15 degrees.  Chiron is also in Pisces at 21 degrees.  And Jupiter is at 4 degrees Libra.)






“Birthdays – October 29 – 31
Key Word – Involvement

Crystal – Seawater Pearl
Attributes – Seawater Pearls are layers of aragonite, calcite and conchiolin. A protection stone, Pearl brings the gentle healing power of the sea.  It is a stress relieving stone; relaxing, soothing and calming to the emotions.  Pearl stimulates our intuition, imagination, sensitivity and adaptability.  It helps our emotions become more harmonious and balanced.  Calming and soothing to temper or feelings of fear.  It enables you to more easily express feelings of love.  Pearl helps with clarity in decision making and is helpful for endurance, organisation and for home life.
Message – Allow inner light to guide through the abyss.
Focus – With enthusiastic energy, you raise awareness by experiencing the world too many take for granted.
Affirmation – I realize my true potential.”


Full Moon Aries 23

I started making these crystal grids for the new and full moons. I’m not really sure why, but I really like them. They are based on crystals associated with each degree of the zodiac. So I find the crystals for the degrees where each planet is placed on the day of the full moon, etc.  Here’s one for the Full Moon at 23 Aries, happening Sat. night, Sunday morning this weekend.
 for example:
Sun 23 Libra – Mookaite, which I didn’t think I had (but I do), so I put piece of Mica from Colorado. Full Moon 23 Aries – Green Hiddenite, Mercury 15 Libra = Ammonite, Jupiter 7 Libra – Hawk’s eye, Venus 27 Scorpio – Topaz, Saturn 12 Sagittarius – Diopside, Mars 12 Capricorn – Maw Sit Sit (Jade), Pluto 15 Capricorn – Howlite, Neptune 9 Pisces – Yellow Jasper, Chiron 21 Pisces – Zircon, Uranus 22 Aries – Diamond (I have a Herkimer Diamond here) and I have a rainbow moonstone for full moon and crystal generator in the middle



Birthdays – April 11 – 13
Key Word – Reticence

“Crystal – Green Hiddenite
Attributes –  This stone attracts prosperity, supports your emotions and builds trust in yourself and others. Teaches devotion without self denial. Improves memory, helps with difficulties in decision making. Alleviates problems of the joints; helps with nervous diseases, neuralgia, sciatic neuralgia and toothache.
Message – Access the archaic records and secret universal knowledge.
Focus – You have the ability to anticipate, and prepare others for life’s challenges.
Affirmation – I await in humble anticipation for my future endeavours to come to fruition.”

Full Moon rituals
aries full moon.png
October Lunation

                             October Lunation by expressingyourtruth on Polyvore

Love & Light, Jane

Libra New Moon





Birthdays – September 30 – October 2
Key Word – GuardianshipCrystal – Fire Agate
Attributes – Fire agate will increase your initiative and commitment to tasks. This stone brings cheerfulness and contentment to the wearer. It promotes vigour, positive thinking; and an understanding of your life experiences. Physically this stone helps constipation, intestines, flatulence, diarrhoea and chronic inflammation.
Message – Find security and comfort inside.
Focus – You sustain a constant energy flow in your life to fulfil your needs; your aura glows.
Affirmation – My home is where my heart is.

– See more at:


I have started making crystal grids for the lunations.  I have the fire agate for 8 Libra. Then I added a fire opal for Jupiter at 4 Libra, and an Elestial quartz for Mercury at 20 Virgo, (I don’t have any marcasite for the node at 12 Virgo). I have green hiddenite for Uranus at 23 Aries.  I added my platinum wedding ring for Chiron at 22 Pisces and yellow jasper for Uranus at 9 Pisces. Pluto at 14 Capricorn is granite, but I substituted.  Mars at 2 Capricorn is serpentine, but I substituted, and Saturn at 11 Sagittarius is alabaster, but I substituted . I placed smokey quartz where Venus is at 9 Scorpio, replacing the crystal magnesite.  Substitutions made because I don’t have some of the crystals.

I also have a large black moonstone to represent the new moon in general.


09 30 16.jpg

New Moon rituals


New Moon Rituals


“There are so many ways we can utilize the energy of this New Moon, there is no right or wrong when it comes to ritual. All that is called for is that you believe. Here are some suggestions to help enhance this powerful time…..

Dark Moon Releasing Ritual: I love to do an old fashioned burning when the moon is not quite new (Dark Moon). The most appealing part of ritual for me is it’s aesthetic quality, so I make sure that whatever I do feels beautiful. Use a nice piece of fabric or a scarf laid out, placing whatever items feel special to you. I like to set out intuitively chosen crystals, along with candles, incense or diffused essential oils (some oils associated with Virgo are Caraway, Clary Sage, Cypress, Dill, Fennel, Lemon Balm, Honeysuckle, & Patchouli). Have a nice ceramic or other fire-safe bowl ready along with pen & paper, matches or a lighter and some water for fire-safety. Sit quietly for a few moments, settling the mind, breathing deeply and relaxing the body. When you feel ready, ask yourself what it is in your life that is acting as a block or preventing you from moving forward…. fear, worry, anxiety (remember we are only dealing with ourselves here, so as tempting as it may be to write the name of your ex or your boss, that is a big no-no!) whatever words come to your mind, write them on the paper. Fold the paper, hold it for a few moments putting your intention to release the grip these words have on your well-being. When the time feels right, carefully light the paper in your bowl, watching as the fire sends your intentions out to the Universe! When you are done, thank the Universe, God/dess, Source, Your Higher Self etc… for helping you in this moment, then scatter the ashes into the earth. As an addition you can also use a smudge stick after to close out the ritual and purify your space.

druyanritualBy: Druyan

Casting a Circle: I wanted to share my thoughts on circle casting. Such a unique part of the craft, it is one of my favorite parts of ritual and I even find myself casting a circle for simple tarot readings at times! The power of the elements surrounding you, the charge of the shield you create, and knowing that you have transcended to the world between worlds is a pretty cool feeling!

One of the oldest magical activities is circle casting! If you are new to witchcraft, this is one of the first skills you should practice, it is the basis for all magical rituals (usually. However some Wiccans practice without circles -you can essentially perform magick anywhere, but circle casting is generally done at the beginning of any magical ceremony)….

Full Ritual here:

circle2By: Jade Wolfwriter /

Ritual Bath: Ideas for magickal ritual bath tea: Epsom salt, Sea salt, Sage, Mint, Lavender, Oatmeal, Flower petals (make sure they aren’t flowers that trigger allergies), and Essential oils (I really like lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus and mint for a fresh and relaxing bath experience).


Most of these ingredients float right on top of the water (oatmeal sinks), adding a magickal element of beauty – along with heavenly scents and textures. And of course, the spirit of the ingredients of choice!
While in the bath, you can meditate, chant or do a guided meditation, whatever suits your needs.
It’s easy to clean up, simply scoop the solid ingredients off the top of the water with a cup or some kind of screen.

ritualbathBy: Flyfree Lexi /

And last but certainly not least, an abundance ritual featuring the ever-popular Abundance Check by Crystal Guidance…. this should be done after the moon is new.

Prosperity Ritual:


Now, one of the most important thing about the abundance ritual is to keep what you’re asking for in perspective…. keep it in alignment with need, not greed!😉

ProsperityBy: Jen /

With this one, you can also try getting creative by not limiting what the Universe can provide to money… play around with whatever you need to come into your life and watch the Universe respond!

New Moon Blessings from all of us at SacredMoonGrove….❤


Final Eclipse of 2016

I really do love Mercury retrograde. It allows me to slow down and work on old projects, rest, relax, retreat, etc.  But when you add everything else that is going on, especially with this intense full moon, it’s starting to get a bit annoying, tense and irritating.  Who’s with me?

Many of us will be relieved an happy when some of the current energy shifts.

Lunar Eclipse



P.S. See my Lunar Eclipse Tarot Reading here:


Mercury Retrograde in Virgo


I decided to make a crystal grid for this approaching Mercury Retrograde start at 29 degrees of Virgo, which will be happening on August 31st.  I got a piece of Heulandite (which is mixed with Apophyllite in this specimen).

Mercury Retrograde Aug 31st 29 Virgo, conjunct Asellus Tertius in Bootes



Birthdays – September 20 – 22
Key Word – Discovery

Crystal – Heulandite
Attributes – Aids your mobility. Helps you give up your negative emotions. Heulandite eases the way when you need to change ingrained habits. It fortifies the kidneys and liver, promotes good blood flow; increases your mobility, eases stiff joints, discs, knee and feet.
Message – Study, knowledge, belief, awareness, enlightenment.
Focus – Your patient nature and attention to detail provide access to insight, motivating personal growth.
Affirmation – I can learn about spiritual power and deep wisdom.

– See more at:

Mercury in Virgo

“Mercury rules the house of Virgo. Hence its effect would be more significant than when in the other signs. Being a mutable sign, Virgos are particularly found to be at loggerheads with the other mutable signs like Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces during this time. People seem to be going through a more introspective period. It would be a dramatic period with emotions and impulses holding the sway. Generally stressful period for the natives of this sign.”

Earth: What are the tangible results of my life?
Mercury Retrograde motion

Remember that Mercury Retrograde gets a very bad rap, so use the time in a positive manner by doing all the things that start with “re” 

~ relax, refresh, revisit, revise, revision, rehash, rethink.

Look up the House that Mercury is going to Retrograde

my chart: Mercury will retrograde within my 9th house

My Example

“Mercury Stationary Retrograde in 9th House Sometimes painting life with a broad brush can cause you to miss messy details that then slow you down. The next three weeks are a great time to pause and make sure the rug rats and ankle biters are not in a position to sidetrack your whole operation because you ignored them. It’s time to give the small things their due so they can serve your larger purpose. By doing so, you may discover a better version of your own vision as well. Don’t hurry, you’ve got time, and you may find that in the end tapping resources you had ignored will trigger a rising tide that floats all boats, not just your own.
Mercury Stationary Direct in 9th House After a few weeks of uncertainty about the big picture, your panorama on life returns somewhat amended. False starts have led to a focus on correcting details that have distracted from the overall plan, but these are being put behind you so you can return to your former path with a steadier hand on the helm. What you are putting together now will shortly have a direct effect on what people will be saying about you and your career plans, so don’t toss off your ideas lightly. You will have the opportunity to impact your surroundings more than you think if you choose to, but you must make the choice.”
See also:

“Mercury transiting retrograde in the 9th house Re-examine what you believe about the world as Mercury backs up in the 9th house. Your beliefs create what you experience. It’s time to consider the future. What you do now effects the outcome. What’s your overall philosophy to life? Are you really living it? This house is also connected to morals and ethics. During this transit you may be called upon to re-assess what the truth really means. This is a good time to re-sit exams previously failed or to go back into education. Use this time to revise, to edit writing, to re-write and proof read your work. Explore books that make you think differently about the world. You may have a sense that you have lost the big picture somewhere along the line. Take some time to re-visualise where you want to be. You may find yourself needing to revisit a place. Generally however, travel plans at this time need to be triple checked. Be prepared for delays, cancelled flights and roadblocks. Mercury would like you to see where you are so you can be clearer about where you want to go. Sometimes we just have to stand still. The 9th house is also associated with the concept of faith. Your faith in yourself or in a higher being may be called into question. Faith adhered to without question can bind you. Keep asking the big questions! Keywords – revisit, re-examine, retrain”

Look up yours here!
“Mercury Retrograde in the 9th house: This retrograde can affect your travel. Travel on the retrograde is actually okay just don’t expect your luggage to make the trip with you. This time there is a need to pay attention to school if you are involved in tests, scholarships or writing papers. Make copies of everything before submitting. This is also a time to put some attention to legal matters that may be pending. Life may seem a bit overwhelming but try to take it one step at a time. It is important during this time that you take some quiet time and list things that are undone so nothing comes a great shock.”
Wishing you Galaxies of Rainbows! Jane

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Introductory Astrology and Calendar

– See more at:

Three Eclipses in a Month!

August Lunations

About Eclipses

We are going to have three eclipses (very intense full and new moons) within the next month, beginning today.
  • Today we have an AIR Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 25 Aquarius, bringing an invigorating mental shift.
  • On Sept 1st we have an EARTH New Moon Solar Eclipse at 9 Virgo, which will bring some significant reorganization in our lives.
  • On Sept. 16 we will have a WATER Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 24 Pisces, that will be a more dreamy or spiritual experience.

How this effects you will depend a lot upon which houses (or life areas) these eclipses fall in your natal chart.  For me these eclipses will fall in my 2nd, 9th and 3rd houses.

“An eclipse is a far more potent lunation. Look to the house the eclipse falls in your natal chart. The affairs of that house will be activated. Does the eclipse fall on a planet in your natal chart? That planet will also be activated. The sign of the eclipse plays a role in the likely events that the eclipse will trigger.
Many people tend to fear eclipses, simply because they often bring about a crisis of sorts that leads to a significant event or change. However, this event or change can be very positive.

Eclipses are tied to changing circumstances. However, we are usually the ones to precipitate or to attract changes because our “inner guides” know that we need it. Human beings are progressive by nature, and although we might stay in situations that are making us miserable for longer than we should, deep down inside we know that change is necessary for growth.”

My post on eclipses

Three Eclipses this Month!

Today we have a Full Moon Prenumbral Lunar Eclipse at 25 Aquarius. Be sure to look for personal planets around 25 degrees Aquarius (and Leo, Taurus or Scoprio ).  Also look up the houses where the eclipse falls within your chart.

Lunar Eclipse Aquarius

We will have another eclipse on Sept. 1st, a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Virgo.  Be sure to look for personal planets around 9 degrees Virgo (and Pisces, Gemini or Sagittarius).  Also look up the houses where the eclipse falls within your chart.

Setting Your New Moon intention when there is an Eclipse

Normally we want to set our intentions for the next month on the New Moon or just after it becomes exact, watching to not do it when the moon is void of course.  When there is an eclipse we want to wait about 48 hours because the energy is intensified.  You may want to wait until we feel more grounded.

And then we will have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse  24 Pisces on Sept. 16th at!   Be sure to look for personal planets around 24 degrees Pisces (and Virgo , Gemini or Sagittarius).  Also look up the houses where the eclipse falls within your chart.

Leos, is your birthday within 5 days of August 18th?  Virgos, is your birthday within 5 days of Sept. 1st, or within 5 days of Sept 16th.
“It’s vital you guard your health if an eclipse falls within five days of your birthday, or if it falls almost exactly opposite your birthday. and If an eclipse falls on your birthday, or within five days of your birthday, the year that follows that particular birthday will be a critical one for you.” Susan Miller

September Lunation

The crystal for 25 Aquarius is 


Birthdays – February 12 – 14
Key Word – Uniqueness

Crystal – Chalcedony Rosette
Attributes – Chalcedony Rosette is a stone for helping you unfurl into a brighter day just like the flower it depicts. It will aid you in being more sociable and receptive to others. Chalcedony Rosette encourages you to speak out and express yourself clearly. Physically chalcedony rosette helps with ailments of the stomach, skin, mucous membranes, respiratory tract, glands and tissues.
Message – Supernatural, intuitive, creative wisdom.
Focus – You have an ability to restore balance and to rise above commonality.

Affirmation – I search for higher knowledge.

The crystal for 24 Pisces is 


Birthdays – March 13 – 15
Key Word – Cultivation

Crystal – Dolomite
Attributes – Dolomite enhances your feelings of joy in living your life. It has a restorative effect and it encourages you to stabilise your constant mood swings. Dolomite will help you discover you personal abilities and act upon them. Physically dolomite stimulates the circulation, digestion and metabolism. It will strengthen the heart.
Message – Tolerance, communal harmony, group attention and focus.
Focus – Working with the hopes and ambitions of others, you support  successful coexistence.
Affirmation – I devote time and thought to manifesting positive outcomes in my life.

The crystal for 9 Virgo is


Birthdays – August 31 – September 2
Key Word – Experiment

Crystal – Turritella Agate
Attributes – Turritella Agate is a stone of personal connection with one’s past – ancestry, homeland, and the country from which those ancestors came. As a record keeper crystal, it may be used to gain access to the wisdom of past worlds and past life recall. It opens communication between the plant and mineral kingdom, providing access to information beneficial in healing the planet. If buried in land that has been neglected or polluted, Turritella Agate cleanses and re-vitalises. Its healing energies can be projected if placed on a map or photo of an endangered area.
For frequent travellers, Turritella Agate protects against danger, alleviates fears, and keeps the connection to loved ones at home. Agate is especially effective against traffic accidents.
An excellent fertility crystal, Turritella Agate increases the chances of success with IVF, artificial insemination and other fertility treatments.
Agate promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. Its warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence. It is a great crystal to use during pregnancy. Agate also helps new mothers avoid the “baby blues” sometimes experienced after giving birth.
Agate stops the burning desires for things we do not need, and assists those juggling commitments or multiple jobs. It helps writers express ideas in marketable form, and helps young children learn to walk and not fall as they get older. Agate also promotes marital fidelity.
Message – Venture into the future; investigate new ideas; make predictions.
Focus – Your heightened perspective and transference of important ideas lead to new realisations for oneself and others.
Affirmation – I feel free to express my genius.

You can always look at “This Week in Astrology” at Cafe Astrology to see if there is a significant lunation in the week.

What Sign is the Moon in?

First we can consider the sign that the Moon is in, in general.  The moon changes sign about every 2.5 days, taking a lunar month to traverse the sky and our charts.

When the Moon is in Aquarius

” Attraction to all that is new and unusual, and an instinctive need for improvement, characterize the Moon in Aquarius. Reactions are more intellectual than emotional, and interactions are more impersonal than personal, under this influence. This is a time that promotes social gatherings, dealing with group ideals and goals for the future, brainstorming, new ideas, and progressive changes. We are open to new methods of doing things and we have our eye on the future. It can be hard to stick to schedules now, as personal freedom is most important to us. The Moon in Aquarius generally favors the following activities: Unusual or radical undertakings, social pursuits, group projects, trying something new, joining a group.”
Air Eclipses: wind storms

  • Aquarius: ideas, insemination, lightening, electricity, don’t get a haircut, ice

When the Moon is in Virgo

“We instinctually gravitate towards practical activities under the influence of a Virgo Moon. In an urge to set things right, we might easily find ourselves re-organizing and rethinking plans. Emotional satisfaction comes from solving problems, making order out of confusion, and helping others. Health matters might come into focus. We notice the smaller parts that make up the whole, and instead of letting nagging details bother us, we might work on ironing them out so that we can feel more confident moving ahead.   The Moon in Virgo generally favors the following activities: Mental pursuits, work activities, services, and routines. Activities that would benefit from tending to details.”
Earth Eclipses: grains, earth/dust storms
  • Virgo: prolitariate, liver, thyroid
Virgo: prolitariate, liver, thyroid
When the Moon is in Pisces
“Your life takes on a kind of mystical quality at the emotional and instinctive levels now. Dreams and illusions, forgiveness, and understanding human frailties: these things arouse deep feelings. The past and the future intermingle, and the barriers between people dissolve – there is the key to the greater psychic and spiritual sensitivity you feel now. “
Water Eclipses: bring water related tragedies or storms
  • Pisces: depression, oceans, lack of boundaries, mysticism, sleepy, meditation

Aquarius Full Moon

What is happening at the lunations?

Every new moon (and full moon) is different because it falls in a different sign.  When the moon is new it is in the same sign as the Sun because, by definition, they are conjunct and the moon is between the earth and the sun.  When the moon is full it is in the opposite sign from the Sun because, by definition, they are the farthest from each other, with the earth between them.

What is happening at a lunar eclipse?

  1. A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth’s shadow blocks all the Sun’s light from directly reaching the Moon’s surface. Eclipses of the Moon happen when the Sun, Earth and Moon are aligned to form an almost or exact straight line.


What houses are the new and full moon eclipses falling in your chart?

So an important thing to consider is the house in your natal chart where the lunation is falling, as well as any planets that might be nearby.

“The job of an eclipse is to shine a glaring ray of truth to the part of your life that is being touched, and truth will likely arrive in a startling way. “ Susan Miller

So you will need to look at your chart.  I recommend pulling it up at (use the free extended charts, natal and transits option) or you can order from me.
Here is my chart showing the Moon conjunct the Sun (new moon), in my 3rd house (and on my tsquare).

Here is my chart showing the Moon opposes the Sun (full moon), in my 9th house (on my Midheaven).
Not sure what all those glyphs (symbols) mean?
So for me, the new moon lunar eclipse fall in my 3rd house, and the full moon solar eclipse falls in my 9th.
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in my 2nd House


Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in my Second House
SECOND: A Lunar Eclipse in the second house, you may get a cosmic push to make necessary financial changes in your life. Sharing issues come into focus, as do issues of power–what’s yours and what’s mine. Your comfort zones matter, and now is the time to take care of your own needs without eclipsing the needs of others. A financial settlement, the beginning or end of a particular debt, and other such scenarios can be part of the picture now. – See more at:
New Moon Solar Eclipse in my 9th House
New Moon Solar Eclipse in my Ninth House
NINTH: The focus is on the development of abstract or intangible thought. Questions of morality, ethics, religious practices, and philosophical issues are addressed in an attempt to develop a personal guide; a foundation and a sense of structure for living life. During Solar Eclipse’s influence, higher education, cultural expansion, and travel experiences play a part in the individual’s exploration for wisdom and truth. – See more at: 
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in my 3rd House
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in my Third House
THIRD: A Lunar Eclipse in the third house, there may be some sort of drama surrounding communication, modes of transportation, schooling, mobility, neighbors, or siblings. Daily routines can change dramatically. There may be a major event in the life of a sibling. There could be a publishing offer or you might be in a position to promote yourself. Travel or education plans may come to fruition. You might gain an entirely different perspective on a matter.

Astrology of Solar Eclipses through the houses

Be a Closet Astrologer

Other Services to consider

Upcoming Lunations

  • Sep 22nd, 2016: Autumnal Equinox/Mabon
  • Sep 23rd, 2016: Mercury Direct at 15 degrees of Virgo
  • Sep 30th, 2016: New Moon at 8 degrees Libra, 8:11 PM
  • Oct 16th, 2016: Full Hunter’s Moon at 23 degrees Aries, 12:23 AM
  • Oct 30th, 2016: New Moon at 7 degrees Scorpio, 1:38 PM
  • Oct 31st, 2016: Samhain
  • Nov 14th, 2016: Full Beaver Moon at 22 degrees Taurus, 8:51 AM
  • Nov 29th, 2016: New Moon at 7 degrees Sagittarius, 7:18 AM
  • Dec 13th, 2016: Full Cold Moon at 22 degrees Gemini, 7:05 PM
  • Dec 20th, 2016: Mercury Retrograde at 15 degrees Capricorn
  • Dec 22nd, 2016: Yule/Winter Solstice
  • Dec 29th, 2016: New Moon at 7 degrees Capricorn, 1:53 AM
  • Jan 9th, 2017: Mercury Direct at 28 degrees of Sagittarius

Lunation Calendar 2016

Introductory Astrology and Calendar

– See more at:


Galaxies of Rainbows!


Full Moon Rituals


We have a lot of folklore about full moons.  Second only to counting our solar months, we probably put the most astrological attention on full moons.  We anecdotally note or wonder if there are more babies born and more people going to the hospital, and certainly mention when our emotions are heightened at this phase of the moon.  For centuries, the moon phases have also been marked by ritual, whether simple or elaborate, solitary or in groups, following a few age old ritual formats.

You can look up “full moon ritual” and find a dozen suggestions with common themes, usually involving creating sacred space, calling upon the four directions, the four elements, casting a circle, raising energy, honoring the fullness of the month, and closing the circle and thanking source, and enjoying refreshments appropriate for the season.

The full moon is a time of fruition, manifestation, closure, releasing and looking forward to the next new moon, followed by the next one that is full, and so on…


Galaxies of Rainbows!


Upcoming Full Moon in July will be on July 19th and will be at 27 degrees Capricorn.

July Lunations


The Full Moon in August will be on Aug. 18th, at 25 degrees Aquarius and will also be a Lunar Eclipse.
August Lunations

– See more at:

past posts at the Full Moon




Star Spangled Sirius


Some of the contributors to SMG met yesterday on zoom chat to discuss the New Moon and astrology.  By a series of turns in the conversation, and knowing already that the New Moon was conjunct the star Sirius (related to starseeds and fixed stars), we discovered some esoteric meaning also connecting Egypt to America’s celebration of it’s birthday.

Jul 4th, 2016: New Moon at 12 degrees Cancer, 7:00 AM conjunct Sirius in Canis Major (14 Cancer 05)!


Every year our sun conjoins the star Sirius, at 13.5 degrees Cancer, during the first week in July; that is, as seen from the earth, the sun lies in front of Sirius which lies at the same celestial longitude as the astrological sign of Cancer in the sky. Astrologically, a conjunction is the strongest aspect celestial bodies can have.

Sirius, as the astronomical foundation of the entire Egyptian religious system, as well as many other ancient empires, carries profound metaphysical and esoteric meaning. If there exists an actual guiding intelligence to Earth’s evolution, it most certainly can be associated with Sirius. And the United States, with its Sun conjunct Sirius, represents, therefore, the clearest channel for this extra-human agency to manifest its will, whatever that may be. For those who might assume that supernatural guidance is America’s fate, it might be wise to recall that all empires have had an expiration date.

If Sirius is conjunct any of your natal planets (tight orb of 2 degrees), read about that at these two sites:

Are you a Sirian Starseed?


Galaxies of Rainbows! Jane

World UFO Day

*Mt Adams just wasn’t visible from where I was parked

I spent World UFO Day at the ECETI ranch!  So it’s an amazing annual conference on this ranch where you can also come just to camp and sky watch.  I will post another update after my day today.  So I stumbled onto the topic of ET stuff through the concept of starseeds and fixed stars astrology (and ascension).  When I first got to the conference, I was a little worried about conspiracy theory potential (which there has been some, but not too much), but was way encouraged by the focus on spirituality and multi-dimensionality.

Yesterday a crop circle expert at book table asked to see my tattoos and was codownloadnfused and then suggested I almost look conservative. LOL can’t help my Swiss genetics! And I came straight from work on Friday, whereas most people had already been there a day camping. Not that I was wearing a jacket or anything.
Someone had the book, Initiation, next to them (the red edition) so of course I talked to them, about Past Life Regression! wahoo.

Overall – interesting mix of genius and compassion (with some conspiracy theory dubious schtuff).

Mount Adams, near Trout Lake, WA
waiting for Sky Watch!
on the back of the ECETI biz card



Galaxies of Rainbows!

My initiation into the Sisterhood of the Rose

Sisterhood of the Rose

The Archangel Report visit for Sabina’s services and to read more
I have been working with psychic and spiritual therapist, Sabina @ The Archangel Report, for a couple years now.  Here are a few posts about past readings I’ve received.
This week, I received a DNA Healing and Initiation into the Sisterhood of the Rose from Sabina (and my husband, Greg, was initiated into the Brotherhood of the Rose).  I have always loves roses, and pruning and tending them when I’ve had the good fortune of living in a space with rose bushes.  I was very attracted to the sisterhood.  It involves a Skype session with Sabina.  I’ve done one Skype session with her before, and our energy tends to crash the connection!  I’ve also had the blessing of meeting Sabina in person last year at my birthday.
Red Rock

New Blueprints

Our astrology birth charts are a blueprint of the karma we chose to resolve in this incarnation.
“You are transcending Scorpio, healing past lives, traumas and fears, moving from the depths now upwards, the water bearer”
The Scorpion evolves to the Eagle.
Sabina has transcended her natal birth chart karma.
The New Matrix crystal I chose for her is Rough Diamond 10 Cancer.
Her natal crystal is Danburite for 8 Capricorn
My natal Sun Sign crystal is Lemurian Seed Crystal for 4 Scorpio.
The New Matrix crystal I chose for myself is the Lavendar Sapphire 27 Aquarius.


Aquarius – Winter colors – ice, water
nurturing others

The Temple of the Rose

Red at the center of the Temple of the Rose is blood spilled on mother earth
it is also a mix of all the roses. Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Jesus and all the sisters
Jesus is symbolized by the red heart, red rose
Sabina is the White Rose, High Priestess of the Sisterhood of the Rose, and she was presented with a white rose crown with a red diamond surrounded with white diamonds and pearls.

Red becomes Pink

I’ve been afraid of red, afraid of passion, so I’ve been bringing white from above and softness into red, so it becomes pink. I’m transcending the fear of red. She saw a waterfall from root chakra to heart. She also said later that the root chakra color is changing from red to pink.
She had to leave for a minute to assist her young son, who is a Crystal child, and her son said “mommy, go back to your office and talk to the doctor” which she said means he acknowledged that I’m a healer.

DNA Healing

Part of the initiation is a DNA Healing.  After this, you are renewed.  No more excuses (from the past).  She also gave me some significant history of what happened before the fall of Atlantis in the Temple of the Sisterhood of the Rose, which I will keep private.


Name in Atlantis was Priestess Maria Sophia. I came from a Mediteranean country to Atlantis.

My etheric rose is Amethyst, my 3D rose color is lilac or lavendar.

New Earth Matrix, grid work, crystalline earth, diamond codes.
She said I am  from the 7th (and 6th) Ray:


regenerative, balancing, alignes with spirit within the body, peace of mind

Purple (representing mercy and transformation) sacral chakra
  • Purple: Zadkiel, the angel of mercy”

❤ Priestess Maria Sofia, aka Jane ❤