August 1st ~ Lammas

Lammas is the midpoint between Litha/Summer Solstice and Mabon/Autumn Equinox.

It’s August now, meaning that the first harvest time is upon us – Lammas.  This is the time when the first fruits of our labor can be harvested.  What have you been doing so far this year?  What do you have to harvest?  Where can changes be made to put yourself where you want to be?


In order to properly discuss this time of year, we have to honor the past by taking into account how our ancestors did things.  According to, back in the day our ancestors had to work hard out in the fields during the year so harvesting the grain to make bread was a super big deal!  If they had to harvest early then they were considered a failure because they didn’t manage to make it the whole time.  Unlike today, when we run out of bread we simply pop over to the grocery store and purchase more.  It’s strange how far we have come from working hard in the fields to survive to working hard at our jobs to earn money to trade for goods and services we need to survive.  Personally, I’m working toward a more natural way of existence, but that discussion will be saved for a later time.  😉

harvestSo what does this mean for us today with our iPhones and Netflix and PS4s and modern conveniences?  Well, we can simply honor the energies of the season.  Surely there has been something: a craft, a task, a project at work, that you have slowly been toiling away at.  This is the time to consciously start reaping what you have sown. Or, you could take this opportunity to start something new.  That yoga practice or meditation regimen that you had been wanting to start but the timing wasn’t right… Yea, start that now.  You could dedicate yourself to reading those books sitting on your nightstand.  Whatever you decide to do, understand that this is to better your inner spirit, your inner Self. Choose something that will enrich your soul, that way you know that you’re working on your Self too, and that is always a fulfilling experience.  freetochoose

We are always talking about changing the world, right?  Why don’t we start with the world we are in, our own.  You will reap what you sow.  This we all know too well.  Let’s sow some seeds of a healthy, well taken care of, individualized part of consciousness… YOU!  By honoring the gods of the past and going back to a more natural way of life we are changing the fabric of reality and affecting all minds in the grid.  Because you did it, you open up the way for another.  Way to go you!  Changing the world and things!

Here’s to the time of Lammas, may we reap what we sow.  May we sow seeds of a fruitful nature to usher in a new way of life, understanding that all change starts inside each and every one of us.

Kisses, kittens.  I love you!  ❤ Bradley


The Importance of Researching


They say that knowledge is power.  Who said that and what does that actually mean?  To me, knowledge is the difference between slowly hurting in ignorance and learning about the blessings that the Universe has in store.  When we realize there is more information available, we can then make a more educated decision about where to go from where we are.  You wouldn’t set out in your car to travel across the country without your GPS or a map handy, so why travel through life with your blinders on?

When you consciously take time to learn about the real things of this reality, it sends a message to the Unseen Forces: I’m ready.  Ways that we can honor this declaration is through spiritual practice: meditation, yoga, reiki…  Other ways we can learn about this physical life is to study nutrition, posture, and ways to honor our inner child. It seems to me that humans are caring a whole awful lot about the things they worked to attain, but give no care to what they got for free: their minds, bodies, imaginations, hopes and dreams.  Where would we be as a human race without these, according to society, “insignificant” attributes?  Well, we wouldn’t be human at all would we?

researchSo now that we’ve called attention to parts of ourselves that we may have severely neglected, what now?  How does one nurture one’s physical form?  In what ways may the human mind not only be stimulated, but also grow and mature?  This is why we do our research!  Examining our diets is a great place to start. Discovering which foods will inhibit your natural progression through life and then eliminating them from your diet is crucial.  Perhaps even more so than that, discovering which foods will make your development SOAR will make eliminations easier.  For example…  You have a glass full of water and would like to add more to it.  Well, in order to do that, you must remove some of the liquid before any more is added.  The full glass is you, you have to empty yourself out: stop doing things you don’t want so that you have more room to be able to do the things you truly do want.  Knowing you’re making room for something better will motivate you to let those old habits go.


But all of this removal and adding can only happen when YOU consciously choose to do your own research.  Do not rely exclusively upon the opinions of others.  Who knows your body better than YOU?  Try little experiments on yourself and see how you feel.  Maybe abstain from dairy for a week and see how that feels?  Start doing yoga with the sun every morning for a week and feel the benefits within your own skin. (Simple Sun Salutation instructions w/ video here) Yoga can help you to stretch your muscles and align your body which allows for all of your internal organs to function properly because you aren’t crushing them.  Think about it this way… you are combining the information you learned with the experience of actively changing.  This will propel you.  This will help you to feel more fulfilled.  This can start you on your path.newpath

So when does one find time for all of this research?  Well, you make time.  Instead of checking that social networking site, do a quick google search on a subject that interests you.  Maybe you want to find out a great protein substitute, **coughs** black beans, who knows?  Trust me, the people on the social networking sites will still all have their things when you get back to them.  And when you do get back to them, you have wonderful new information to share!  #YAY

So yea, knowledge is power and things…  Learn about yourself, your True Self.  Don’t be afraid to ask others, we are all in this together.  We have 7 billion different experiences among the humans, surely we have some pretty good ideas that can be explored and shared.  And then remember to not only stop there… conduct your own experiments.  See what works best for you and then do that.  Best wishes to you in your journey!


Kisses, kittens.  I love you.


❤ Bradley

Control VS Surrender

Control-Freak-2Last week Ms Jade Wolfwriter brought up something I have been having a HUGE internal struggle with lately, a big part of the reason my writing has stalled, and that is the balance between control and surrender. Specifically, in the context of manifestation. On the one hand, why shouldn’t we direct our own lives, they are ours, right? Aren’t we here to manifest? But on the other, what if there is a BIGGER plan we can’t see and our attempts at self-directing are leading us away from better things that could be in store for us if we just let go of control? What if MY WAY isn’t the way I’m supposed to be going? In some situations control is obviously good, like learning self-control and not giving in to the whims of our emotions by engaging in negative behaviors. What I’m talking about is Bigger Plan stuff, a kind of directed surrender, if you will.

The area where this has been most conflicting for me is ritual. I love ritual. I really, really do. There is something so beautiful and connecting about it. Over the past few weeks I have been mulling over how to engage in ritual and surrender at the same time. How can we manifest our Higher Purpose if our selfish wants are in the way? I have come to believe that giving in and going in the direction of our destiny just may be better for us in the long run. I’m tired of being a damn Salmon. But how can engaging in ritual possibly fit into this idea of surrendering? The whole point of ritual is to direct our personal energy towards an outcome we desire. Kind of the opposite of surrender, right?


The solution I have come up with is surprisingly simple: Focus on the situation instead of the outcome. In life sometimes the most difficult situations lend us the most valuable lessons. We can accept the lesson by surrendering to it or fight it and wear ourselves out in the process.  Or we can chose to go around the lesson altogether and never grow. But I want to grow. In order do that I realize I must take the challenges that life hands me and trust there is a reason for them. Give up trying to control the details and accept what IS. I must accept the circumstances of my life as if I chose them myself. Maybe I could ask for the strength to endure a difficult situation rather than to ask for it to go away. Or I could ask to be shown the deeper reasons why I’m having a financial issue rather than asking for money. Or completely give in and ask for whatever The Universe/Source/God/dess has in store for my life, the grace to accept it completely, and the wisdom to see the steps I must take…


I can flail around and sink or let go and float. I choose to float. So Be It.




❤ Druyan



feetsIn directing our own lives it is important to remember that we have our human minds and our human emotions and our human”-ness” to contend with. Humans, on average, don’t think ahead and we can’t see more than 2 inches in front of our faces. How could we, whether looking for more money, or power, or fame, or a bigger house, or a better job, or even a good feeling, a relationship, partner – whatever it is… how could we possibly see past this one lifetime of infinite lifetimes?

We want what we want NOW, often regardless of the overall cost to the environment, in-vironment, others, and whatnot. When we are directing our own steps it is important not to let this selfish part of us do the directing. There is a Higher Thought-form. One that looks and sees beyond this individual lifetime, one that Looks and Sees All. When we are doing the directing through the choices we make let us tune into the best part of us, our Highest Self, the one that can make the best decisions. We can align our thoughts with this THOUGHT. Let us align ourselves to this Greater Direction and set our moral compass to whatever adheres to it.

Why would we want to set a compass to something that isn’t even real, something that won’t stand the test of time? Even the Colosseum crumbled and there is no evidence of the Tower of Babel. Find what is True and Real in this life… and do that. Find out how to serve the one True Thought and align your every action, thought, idea, mannerism with IT… mold yourself into its shape. When you look through the lens of your Highest Self, greater things can be Seen, can be Known. What is most important for Nature?? What benefits all Mankind?? What decision will bring me to where I need to be?? HigherSelf

“OOH! I really want that doughnut. I’m going to eat it. **eats doughnut** Now I feel like crap. Everything is bad.”


“OOH! I really want that doughnut. But I really want to feel good about the choices that I make and have my body feel good so I’m not going to eat that doughnut… Even though I really want to. I guess I don’t ACTUALLY really want to eat that. What I TRULY want is to feel good and not feel bad no matter what that tastes like.” **walks away beaming sunshine**

Can you see the difference in thought?? It’s that simple. One is human the other comes from a Higher Place. When making decisions, make them from this Higher Place, using this Higher Thought That Sees All.

So let go of the life you think you want to lead. And align your thoughts, your steps, your actions –  all of you –  to the life that your Highest Self has for you. In the letting go, we find that nothing is actually lost. But rather, there is so much more to gain!



❤ Bradley



Musings on Ascension

ascensionImagine a boiling pot of water…
Once you pop through the portal and make it to a higher dimension, that means that you are now the lowest vibrating entity there. It feels heavy and you feel low. Once you get your bearings, you start to vibrate higher and you get happier as you go up until you burst through another portal and then the cycle starts over again.

Allowing the Self to grieve for the life that it cannot live anymore is key. It’s alright to cry and be upset and be ridiculous. As long as we pull it together shortly. We are ascending after all.

Development of all three of aspects of the body is imperative:
Body/Mind/Spirit. When one gets over-developed, then it throws the whole thing off balance and it inhibits your progression. Sure, read. But then change your diet and lifestyle. Sure, change your diet. But then meditate and develop your spirit. It reminds me of the folks that scale ice mountains. They have picks for their hands and they have picks on their feet. They cannot move in any direction unless they advance all parts.

The best way to deal with this is to attend to the mind, body, spirit complex. Take care of the body like a small child. Understand that the spirit needs time to adjust. Fill your brain with worthwhile Knowledge that sustains and fills… Not garbage. Remember this Ascension process is not to be taken lightly. This is Real and True. The Truest story ever told. Take better care, feel better. No excuses.

Part of the practice is doing… Living. It’s nice to have all of this Knowledge in your brain but what are you going to do with it?? Still treat others with cruelty?? Still enslave and kill animals for some sick craving?? Or will you move the Knowledge into your heart chakra?!?

heartchakraWhen we consciously meditate and imagine pulling the Knowledge from our crown/third eye into our heart chakra, then we start to act the part. We naturally act and move through this new found energy center.

Everything we touch turns to proverbial gold. Love shines through us as we start to live the Truth. We become softer, gentler, lovelier. Then others will take notice of our Ascension and they are attracted to the light.

If we don’t take care of the Self then we get stuck in a loop of despair and fear. Relax and allow. Allow and relax.

I love you.



*For more great information on the Ascension process and how to cope: