Full Moon on Christmas

This is the first Full Moon on Christmas since 1977, and the next one won’t be until 2034.  Also on the same day, Uranus will we going direct, bringing all the planets direct until January 5th.   See http://allplanetsdirect.com/.  Uranus will also be opposing Mars, and Mars will square Mercury.

Uranus going direct: http://pandoraastrology.com/transits-this-year/planetary-retrogrades-stations/uranus-station-retrograde/

Dec 25th, 2015: Full “Cold or Long Night” Moon at 3 degrees Cancer, 6:11 AM Eastern

Crystal for the degree of the full moon: CANCER 3


“Key Word – Indomitable

Crystal – Variscite

Attributes – Promotes cheerfulness. Helps with chronic tiredness; eases inner restlessness. Makes objective and rational; helps you express yourself clearly. Gives you energy, alleviates hyper-acidity, helps with heartburn, gastritis, stomach ulcers, rheumatism and gout.

Message – Preparedness to explore difficult realms.

Focus – Utilising what is at your disposal helps you navigate through life’s challenges.

Affirmation – I am invincible; I surmount or circumvent all obstacles before me.”



Uranus will also be opposing Mars, and Mars will square Mercury.

This Week in Astrology

You can always look at “This Week in Astrology” at Cafe Astrology to see if there is a significant lunation in the week.

What Sign is the Moon in?

First we can consider the sign that the Moon is in, in general.  The moon changes sign about every 2.5 days, taking a lunar month to traverse the sky and our charts.


When the Moon is in Cancer: The restlessness of the Gemini Moon gives way to an instinctive need for peace and quiet. A feeling of belonging and safety is what motivates us under this influence. The Moon feels right at home in the sign of Cancer, as it rules the sign. This Moon position has much healing potential. Although insular by nature, our feelings run deep, making it an ideal time to get in touch with what motivates us. The Moon in Cancer generally favors the following activities: Domestic activities, those that involve awareness of personal needs. Home decor, family get-togethers.

So an important thing to consider is the house in your natal chart where the lunation is falling, as well as any planets that might be nearby.

So you will need to look at your chart.  I recommend pulling it up at http://astro.com (use the free extended charts, natal and transits option) or you can order from me.

Here is the section of my chart showing the Moon opposing the Friday on Dec 25th:

Full Moon 3 Degrees Cancer in my 7th House, conjunct my Jupiter

Not sure what all those glyphs (symbols) mean?

So for me, the moon falls in my 7th house.  You can look up the meaning here, among other places: Full Moon in the Houses

EXAMPLE: Full Moon in the Seventh House  The New Moon was all about you. Now it’s time to strike a balance with an “other”. The seventh house represents an important one-to-one relationship–a marriage partner, significant other, business partner, or an adversary. It’s time to strike a balance between your own needs and those of another. It’s time to compromise and negotiate. Partnership “tests” are possible now, but so is a chance to truly connect to a special someone in your life.



21st Century Prayers


“Welcome to KT King’s 21st Century Prayers. I have created a series of prayer books with new energy keys for a new age!

These beautiful prayers were channelled through me, KT King in 2015 and were tried and tested by qualified healers and friends who felt so much benefit from using these prayers that they decided to come together to help me create a Book for you to download and keep. You can download a free PDF from this site or go to Amazon for my e-book/kindle.

Prayers are often only associated with religions but now that the ‘new matrix’ is in place, I was able to transform the corrupted energies of ancient prayers and purify them, re-calibrating the energy keys embedded within the magic words, so that each beautiful prayer holds ‘universal master keys’ within its lines.  All keys contain pure ‘essence’ energy combining the best of the past with the best of the future. ”


About Book 1

I have chosen 12 prayers for this first book from a larger collection. I chose these particular prayers for this first book because they are suitable for everyone and every soul type to use. Most of them are deliberately short and sweet, so that, you can easily learn them off by heart if you wish to.

I hope you enjoy these prayers as much as we do and please feel free to share them with your friends and family.

A big thank you goes to the earth angels who donated financially and supported me in the production of book one! See below for links to my supporters.

Love KT


Connect with KT King

For more information about the prayers, the new matrix, spirituality and ascension, you can visit us at: Blog/Facebook/Twitter/YouTube

Facebook Group: Sisters and Brothers of the Rose

Facebook: KT King

Facebook Page: 21st Century Prayers for Enlightenment and Ascension

YouTube: KT King

Twitter: KT King @ktkinguniverse

Winter Solstice Reading & Links


Winter Goddess by Emily Balivet


I cannot believe it’s the Winter Solstice already! This year has absolutely flown by!!!


The message for us from Cosmic Tarot is….



Ten of Cups

Cosmic Tarot:
“A woman with a blue scarf is sitting at the shore of a lake.” (deck booklet)

The traditional reading of this card is one of joyous celebration and togetherness… which this time of year does bring us. However, in the Cosmic Tarot this card brings a sense of reflection and renewal. The Solstices are perfect midpoints for us to stop, gauge where we’ve come from and where we’re going. There is also a very present feeling to this card… how do we integrate all experiences into the only moment we ever really have?  Water in Tarot represents intuition, so we really want to tune into our intuitions and absorb the messages our Higher Self has for us at this time. With this card, I encourage you to take some time and meditate today, even it’s just 5 minutes of mindfulness, you owe yourself a moment of peace among the holiday chaos!

Some great Solstice links to check out:

By Jane ~ Planning a Solstice dinner

Mystic Mamma – Solstice Gateway

About.com ~ Winter Solstice



*Have a safe and blessed Solstice!*


❤ Druyan

Planning a Solstice Dinner

by Jane


Winter Solstice

I am having two friends over for Solstice Dinner with my husband.  So I’m planning what we are going to have and how to honor the holy-day.

Basic Ritual Format

I will be truncating a basic ritual format, because we don’t know each other well, and I want to keep it simple.  But here are a few things I’ve found to include:

Smudge prayer to the four directions:

“We call on the Spirit of Sage to drive away negativity from our circle.
Spirit of the East, Great Spirit of Air, Bring peace and inspire this circle.
Spirit of the South, Great Spirit of Fire, energize and protect this circle.
Spirit of the West, Great Spirit of Water, bring purity and cleanse this circle.
Spirit of the North, Great Spirit of Earth, ground and strengthen this circle.
Great Father Sky, guard this circle from above.
Great Mother Earth, nurture this circle from below.”


“This is a nice ritual you can do with friends or family. You begin by placing on a table, one large unlit candle and various smaller unlit candles for each person present. Turn off all the lights and spend a moment in darkness, remembering and honoring the Sun’s light. Then whomever is leading, can light the main big candle an offer a blessing. After that each can come and light their candle from the main flame and all candles can be placed in a circle or spiral around the main one. Once all candles are lit, a song, blessing or “Happy Solstice” can be offered in unison.”

Fire Releasing 

“This can be done as a personal ceremony or with a group. Begin by giving out small pieces of paper and pencils so each can write down what they want to release. When all have written down what they wish to release, all can gather around a fire, and each can in turn come to the fire and throw their paper in.”


Tools and Ritual Components

The Victorian Grimoire

Ritual Soap: Frankincense and myrrh with a hint of bayberry.
Annointing Oil: Pine and anise to repel negative energy and herald the return of joy.
Ritual Cup: Egg nog decorated with a sprig of holly.
Altar Decorations: Evergreens, holly and mistletoe can bedeck the halls while pine branches may be place to mark the circle. Aquamarine place on the altar will bring motivation and courage, while an opal passed hand to hand shares hope for the spring to come.
Clothing: Stay warm! Wear heavy robes of green and red to help the sun continue it’s journey.
Cakes: Cookies! Nothing warms the child within like good, old-fashioned sugar cookies with anise frosting.  Gingerbread and plumb pudding were also Victorian favorites.


photo courtesy of thedabble via C.C. License at FlickrEasy Nonalcoholic Wassail
2 cups cranberry juice
2/3 cup white sugar
7 cups water
3 cinnamon sticks
1 tbsp. whole allspice
1 tbsp. whole cloves
1 (6 ounce) can frozen orange juice concentrate
2 (20 ounce) cans pineapple juice
6 fluid ounces frozen concentrated fruit punch
In a large pot over medium heat, combine the cranberry juice, sugar and water. Bring to a boil and stir until sugar is dissolved. Place the cinnamon, allspice, and clove into a cheesecloth bag and tie shut. Add to the liquid and simmer 20 minutes. Remove spice bag and add fruit juices. Serve hot. http://www.patheos.com/Resources/Additional-Resources/Winter-Solstice?offset=1&max=1
Yule Log Cake (gluten free)


Gingerbread (gluten free)

Other really great recipes here:
jane tara


Astrobarry.com Horoscopes


One of my biggest loves in life is Astrology. It has been an invaluable tool of self discovery, and has put many confusing parts of my life into much clearer perspective.

I recently was made aware of this wonderful horoscope site, Astrobarry.com. (Thanks to the lovely NY astrologer Annabel Gat, star-reader over at Broadly.com, who also has amazing ‘scopes! She will have a feature here on SMG very soon along with an Elemental Interview, so stay tuned!)

The horoscopes for me, a Pisces, (specifically regarding a situation I was dealing with in the first and second weeks of December) were so accurate, I almost spit out my coffee and fell off my chair! I asked Barry if I may feature his horoscopes on SMG.  Since I was so impressed by both his accuracy and style, I wanted to share his “horoscopes that keep it real”… thank my lucky stars, he said yes!

Personal, 12-sign horoscopes for the week of:

December 14-20, 2015

And an awesome article on:

2016: An Astrological Overview

And, of course, a little more about San Fran’s Barry Perlman, the man behind Astrobarry.com:

barryAstrology drew me for the same reason it draws many. I like learning about myself.

When I first dipped into my study of astrology about 10 years ago, I marveled at how accurately what I read in the introductory books described me. Then I moved on to looking at the charts of friends, only to discover my knack for sharing accurate interpretations with them. I kept following my curiosity, until my hobby eventually turned into a profession… and the rest is history still in the making….

Read full bio here: http://www.astrobarry.com/about.php

 Happy ‘scoping!!!
❤ Druyan

KT King: Time To Let Go!


Time to let go!!!

This is the end of the 4 year karmic amnesty so this month really resolve and deal with those karmic ties, knots and unresolved issues!
When the big Earth portals are open it basically means all the astrological time portals are open all at once, this means you can clear karma anywhere on your birth chart/life without having to wait for personal planetary placements to occur! This won’t happen again for 2,000 years!
So you’ve had 4 years don’t give up now....let go…let go….let go!!!

Helping hand…

Willingness Block Removal Prayer:

Great Goddess of Compassion, I beseech thee, to intercede, where darkness bars my way.
May all obstacles to my enlightenment be pacified and all matrix fears and karmic bonds be released.
Let all built up negative thoughtforms, hooks, attachments and other people’s fear be cleared away from all my bodies and minds by your presence.
Dissolve for me, with your love, all willingness blocks to material support and material health.
May both halves of my mind be unified in harmony and peace.
And for the sake of all living beings let my energy be raised out of the darkness and into the light.

KT King 21st Century Prayers

Say 6 times out loud to activate and each day for next few weeks to help release those deep karmic bonds no longer needed!

❤ KT King
kt king
KT’s YouTube Channel

Card of the Day (December 11, 2015)

This card feels so right on this New Moon day…. ❤ Thank you selfloveinnerbeauty.wordpress.com!


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Card of the Day
December 11, 2015 11:11am


This card comes as reassurance that this situation and the people invovles are guiltless. If you’ve been harboring guilt, release it to the angels. Of all the emotions, guilt has the lowest vibrations, so it attracts negativity. If you’re judging others guilt, this card reminds you to see the Godliness within them to heal the situation (you don’t neccessarily have to continue a relationship with anyone you distrust, however, it’s neccessary to purge toxic thoughts and emotions for your own well-being). The angels ask you to consider that any misunderstandings were an innocent mistake.

Additional meanings for this card: See the others point of view. Forgive yourself and release regrets. An argument you had may have been based on a misunderstanding. Honor the inner child within yourself and others. Look past surface illuions and see the underlying spiritual truth of perfection…

View original post 21 more words

Reading on Clairvoyance

Reading by Druyan for Jane

I asked about developing clairvoyance, or connecting more with spirit.  ~Jane


card 1: 3 of wands

The Past: 3 of Wands

Expanding Your Consciousness (Druyan)

“Virtue and integrity – the union of your mind, heart and action working in harmony with one another. You have the ability to envision new possibilities long before they become a reality. New business ventures will prosper with the right teammate – someone willing to give you assistance – a creative partnership. You can receive the help you need from someone knowledgeable. Indicates the potential commencement of an enterprise. Your foundation is firm and work can be fearlessly continued. You travel farther in your mind than some people ever do in physical reality and you have many unusual experiences.

You need to first acquire a sense of your terrain before you begin anything. You get excited by your visions and can communicate your enthusiasm to others – yet sometimes, your distance from where things are happening leaves you with no concept of how to get down to work and put your ideas into action. You have the ability to love more than one person – when you are always seeking something that is out of reach – you may fail to appreciate fully the good things that are close at hand. You have a great need for the free expression of your thoughts and feelings – yet you are steadfast and dependable. Your love and care for the people in your life is strong and can be felt even from a great distance.”


I have been have an acceleration of growth recently, particularly opening my heart chakra and integrating the divine masculine and feminine in my nature.  I also have been visioning a lot, but learning about my nature as a Manifesting Generator (in Human Design) that I will taste many options but not necessarily pursue all of them. ~Jane


So this is your established foundation…
What you have worked to create.  (Druyan)

Paired with Peach Moonstone

“Peach or Yellow Moonstone supports the heart as it stimulates the mind, soothing worry or anxiety, and bringing out the best in people. Its loving energy promotes the Divine in all situations, and is an emotional support for intuitive or sensitive children.”



card 2: the star reversed

The Present: The Star Reversed

“The Star reversed is still a good omen. Look hard at what you are feeling and discern whether, if you looked a little deeper, you could find reasons to be more optimistic and helpful. When this card appears in reverse, often we are tending to look on the darker side. Lift up your eyes! If you are drawing breath, there is always something you can be thankful for.”

“You are so in touch with your spirituality now that this is a great time for you to reach out to others, and to share your wisdom and your joy. Your efforts to do so will be repaid many times over. Even reversed, the numerological translation of The Star equates to the concept of “strength.” Your spirit is coming through strongly when this card appears; trust yourself.”


I am feeling that your ability to engage the shadow is a strength for you (Scorpio) and that you wouldn’t be able to fully expand your gifts if you didn’t “go deep.” Just remember to come up for air….   (Druyan)

I love the Star card.  I was given the star as a symbol in a reading and have worn one on a pendant ever since.  And it is true that I am more in touch with my spirituality than I have been in some time. ~Jane

Paired with Brazilian Quartz

“Very popular metaphysically, Quartz raises consciousness towards enlightenment and purifies on all levels. Known as “The Stone of Power”, Quartz amplifies energy and intention. Quartz raises consciousness towards enlightenment and purifies on all levels. Clear Quartz is also known as the “Master Healer” of the mineral kingdom, with it’s very high vibration, and is the most versatile healing stone among all crystals. Quartz is said to be the most powerful healing stone of the mineral kingdom, able to work on any condition. Clear Quartz is believed to protect against negativity, attune to your higher self, and relieve pain. Quartz crystals are very programmable and have a tendency to hold a program much longer than other minerals.”


Ok with this new moon coming up…. pick a quartz point, lay it out tonight to clear it, and the day the moon turns waxing program it to help you access the information you seek! Let it be your friend as you “clair” 😉 (Druyan)

Excellent idea about the use of the new moon.  I will be clearing all my crystals and I love the idea of programming a quartz point to help develop my clairvoyance. ~Jane

The Future: Four of Wands

card 3: four of wands

4 of Wands!!! This is awesome! I love to see progressions like this in readings, from 3 of Wands to 4! Growth!!!  (Druyan)

“The Lord of Completion marks a point where a circle has been completed. It can apply to work projects, personal situations – even phases of life. In some respects it’s like a lesser reflection of the Universe, the final Major Arcana card.

Another aspect of the 4 of Wands associate it with the Major Arcanum of Adjustment, or Justice. This is because this Wand indicates the manifestation of balanced forces, resulting in the fulfilment of earlier hopes, ideas and dreams. The balance aspect, combined with the overall morality of Wands, brings us to think about injustice being resolved, inequity acknowledged and set right.

This is a good card, promising not only the sense of natural satisfaction which arises when we follow our ideas through to their logical conclusion, but also the opportunity to start new things off.”


So where the 3 of Wands would be the planning stages (surveying the terrain) the 4 of Wands is the celebration of the enactment of plans!!! (Druyan)

Yes, some things are truly coming into action now with the completion of some of my visioning. ~Jane

Paired with Labradorite

“It has a number of interesting metaphysical properties, including its action to protect your aura, and to clear negativity from it, and it seals it to prevent any energy leaks. If you have been doing too much and need a recharge, it will give energy to you. Within the throat chakra it stimulates stronger psychic communication abilities, which you may utilize in a range of different ways. Have you have been wondering if you have any psychic abilities, but you are not quite sure how to start the process to develop them? By using a Labradorite Crystal, you may learn how to be psychic and you may find that any gifts that are waiting to develop may begin to manifest, as you make better connections.”


“It will assist you to make contact with beings from other dimensions that may assist your journey, and allow you to get done those things that are important in your journey. You may choose to do daily journaling, as this may help you to develop the gift of automatic writing.”



Can I just say, OMG! I have been told internally and it was confirmed that I am to practice automatic writing. ~Jane

Special Message Card:

card 4: 9 of wands reversed

“When the 9 of Wands reversed comes up, it is important not to “beat yourself up,” if you find your mental, emotional, or physical strength waning. None of us can be perfectly strong all the time. Allow yourself to lean on someone or something positive, and know that your strength will return. Everything is a cycle.”


This cards also asks you to remember to be aware when you start to feel overwhelmed…. To give yourself the considerations you give others, and to understand that while life has the nuts and bolts things that must be attended to, you must make room for your spirit to recharge. Don’t let “life” get in the way of your connection to spirit. (Druyan)

I do get overwhelmed a lot right now because so much is coming in.  I also get down on myself for not being more disciplined, such as in meditation practice, etc.  I think so much mutable energy is being activated, that it is hard for me to concentrate. ~Jane

Paired with Flourite…

“Fluorite is a highly protective and stabilizing stone, useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. When working with the upper Chakras, Fluorite increases intuitive abilities, links the human mind to universal consciousness, and develops connection to Spirit. Fluorite further anchors intuitive insights into the physical plane, allowing mental and physical coordination. A popular stone among energy healers, Fluorite can also clear the aura of mucky energies. Fluorite heightens mental abilities, assisting in rapid organization and processing of information and can bring mental clarity and stability to an otherwise chaotic situation. Fluorite absorbs negative energies from the environment and is effective at Auric and Chakra cleansing. Fluorite can also shield the user from psychic manipulation. Due to its powerful ability to absorb negative energies, Fluorite should be cleared often.”




Druyan & Jane

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