The Lunar Fae ~ 2.0!

One of the first features I posted after starting this blog was The Lunar Fae on etsy:

LunarFae Collage

Well, I want to bring this shop to your attention again because Evangeline just did a HUGE update in her shop…. also The Lunar Fae just celebrated its first year in business! Congratulations!!! ❤

Now, onto the goods….

She now carries handmade Runes!
They come in a gorgeous vintage fabric medicine bag with crystal charms.


Lilac Runes

There is also an amazing assortment of lovely hand wrapped jewelry…

Jewelry Collage

Wire Wrapped Crystals

…as well as new crystal grid sets, sacred space kits, animal totems, exquisite crystal points, and more!!! I recently purchased a Tibetan Quartz point from The Lunar Fae and have barely been able to  put it down (it’s in my lap now as I type).

Crystals and Kits

And she also includes an extra special something with each order…


I recently became aware of a movement of people that are against the procurement of precious and semi-precious gems. Not for reasons of work ethics or mining pollution, but because they believe that the earth desperately needs her crystals to maintain her balance and heal herself from man made destruction and pollution.

I don’t know about you, but I could kind of see where they are coming from. I mean – crystals are just like most of the natural resources we take from the earth. Eventually, there simply won’t BE any more crystals to mine. That most likely won’t happen in my time, but the possibility that the day could come is very likely at the rate we consume all natural resources these days.

These thoughts struck a cord with me. I could never give up collecting or wire wrapping these precious gems that have helped me and others so much… but I do believe that WE are meant to spread these gems to all corners of the earth. Even if that means they simply join our life, our collections, or are put to use for the greater good of all. Obviously not everyone believes in the power of crystals but we don’t need everyone. We only need some!

This is why I decided to launch The Earth Gifting Project.

Clear quartz is a very special crystal. It not only raises frequency to the highest possible level, but it is also programmable. It can retain and store boundless amounts of information and intention. Quartz crystal is the basis of and is used for running the largest computer in existence for this reason. The power of the clear quartz crystal can be quite remarkable.

There is now evidence that programmed quartz can eliminate toxins and radiation from water. Because water is crystalline in structure, it transmutes and kind of copies the programmed structure of the quartz. When a crystal programmed with intentions of love and healing is placed into a body of water, one can assume that this molecular structure would ripple out and manipulate those around it very rapidly just like the and promoting the same type of healing and toxin eliminating effects.

It is an undeniable fact that we are damaging and polluting the earth and her ecosystems. THIS is such a simple gesture, an easy but grand opportunity to give back for all that we have collectively taken as our own.

Maybe it’s a stretch to believe that we can have an impact but nonetheless – I encourage ALL to join us! If you want to learn more about the project, please visit my blog:

whitelight OG Evangeline

Please take a look at all of the new offerings over at The Lunar Fae.

I’m sure you will find something that calls to you, I sure did!


druyan1❤ Druyan

The Lunar Fae

After reading about the benefits of creating a crystal grid in your home, I set about finding some nice quartz points to purchase. Eventually, I came across a beautiful etsy shop called The Lunar Fae. I’m not gonna lie, the name immediately grabbed me! The second thing I noticed was the beauty of the photographs, the warmth and love I felt from the images.


I went ahead and purchased a grid kit and anxiously awaited its arrival. When it arrived, I instantly felt amazing energy as soon as I opened the package. To my surprise, there were some extra goodies inside! She included a raw Apatite (which ended up being exactly what I needed) and a little package that contained something very special.


She started something called the Earth Gifting Project. As I read the insert, I knew exactly why I had been so drawn to this shop…. Here is a woman doing something really beautiful for the planet. She included 2 tiny quartz points, one to keep and one to program with love and give back to the earth!

After reading about this project, I was smitten with Evangeline’s energy, her shop The Lunar Fae, and her beautiful Earth Gifting Project. She includes the Earth Gifting crystals and instructions absolutely free with each purchase, and she also provides a non-profit listing in her shop (shipping and cost only) if you need extra.

                                My grid, all set up!

Please take a moment (well, let’s be honest, you’re going to need a little more time than that, with all the gorgeous items available in her shop!) to check out her shop and her project. As an extra bit of fun, she asks that you take a photo of gifting your crystal to the Earth and share it on Instagram, #EARTHGIFTINGPROJECT, to keep us all connected. How lovely is that?! ❤

I am saving my crystal to bring along the next time my family goes to the river….

A little bit more about Evangeline:

whitelight OGI am Evangeline, the owner of The Lunar Fae shop and blog. I am a certified Master in Usui and Nontraditional Methods of Reiki, a self- taught yogi and wire wrap artist, and I work as a Young Living Independent Distributor part time. I am an empath with a passion for nature, crystal hoarding, photography, and living a sustainable, organic lifestyle. In early 2014, the rhythmic twist of the wire engulfed my spirit in flames of passion and I have been creating wire woven crystal treasures ever since. I created the Earth Gifting Project, a small movement dedicated to gifting attuned crystals back to mother earth in January of 2015. I am currently working on deepening my meditation and further developing my spiritual gifts. I am so grateful to be able to share the earth’s magick with so many beautiful people.

Sending love and light!


~ Druyan